Home Bulls Foot ringworm (chilblains): what it is and how to treat

Foot ringworm (chilblains): what it is and how to treat


Ringworm, chilblains or athlete's foot, is a type of ringworm on the skin caused by fungi that appears mainly between the toes, although it can also occur on the soles of the feet, between the fingers and the groin. The affected area can itch a lot, peel and become whitish or smelly.

The chilblains are curable but their treatment can last for weeks, being done with antifungal ointments that can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is important to carry out the treatment to eliminate itching and discomfort, preventing the condition from getting worse and other infections on the skin.

How to identify chilblains

A person can catch chilblains through direct contact with a contaminated individual, and also through the use of contaminated objects such as shoes or socks, or even when stepping on the wet floor of changing rooms and swimming pools, for example, which are frequently contaminated.

The symptoms of chilblains are:

  • Itching in the affected region; Peeling of the skin; The area may be whitish; Local burning and Characteristic odor.

Watch the following video and learn how to relieve odor in your feet:

The individual with these symptoms should start the appropriate treatment with ointments, which can be indicated by the pharmacist himself. The most affected people are teenagers and young adults, especially in hot and humid climates, and it is also commonly found in people who practice physical activity in the gym, swimming or other activities in the water.

Treatments to cure chilblains

Remedies for chilblains

Anti-fungal ointments such as Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Daktazol, or Vodol may be purchased safely, even without a prescription. The ointment should be applied to the wounds, twice a day, with an interval of 12 hours, with the skin properly dry.

The treatment time is variable, but it is easier to cure the chilblains by using the ointment daily and taking care to keep the area very dry. If this is not respected, treatment can take weeks or months.

When it is not possible to control the symptoms with the ointments, you should go to a dermatologist for the doctor to indicate the taking of pills to fight the chilblains. Check other examples of Remedies for chilblains.

Necessary care

In addition to using the ointment indicated by the pharmacist or the pills indicated by the dermatologist, it is important to follow some precautions such as:

  • Avoid wearing closed shoes without cotton socks; Prevent your feet from perspiring; Leave closed shoes in the sun; Bathing in public bathrooms with slippers; Sprinkle antifungal powder inside your sneakers or closed shoes; Dry very well between your toes with a fluffy towel or hair dryer especially during treatment.

Check out a list of all the necessary precautions in: How to permanently eliminate the chilblain.

Homemade treatment for chilblains

A good home treatment for chilblains is to apply 1 clove of freshly crushed garlic directly to the chilblains and let it act for at least 1 hour. Garlic helps to fight the proliferation of microorganisms on the skin, having a good effect, but it must be fresh, well mashed and always in direct contact with the affected area, so it can be useful to put on a sock to hold garlic in the desired location.

Some people seem to be hypersensitive to garlic. Thus, if you feel a burning sensation in the area or if other signs of inflammation appear, such as redness or swelling, it is important to remove the garlic and wash the skin with cold water. Ideally, garlic should not be applied for more than 1 hour.

Foot ringworm (chilblains): what it is and how to treat