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Moxibustion: what it is and what it is for


Moxibustion, also called moxa therapy, is an acupuncture technique that consists of applying heat directly or indirectly to the skin, using a stick wrapped with medicinal herbs such as mugwort, for example.

In Chinese medicine, it is understood that the heat applied to the skin, through this technique, can release the flow of energy accumulated in some parts of the body, known as meridians. The release of this energy can help in the treatment of some physical diseases such as back pain, migraine and arthritis, as well as assist in the recovery of mental well-being.

However, it is not recommended to do the moxibustion technique at home, it must be done by a trained professional, in specialized clinics and with the authorization of a doctor, so that the results are positive and beneficial.

What is it for

Moxibustion is a type of complementary therapy, which is still being studied and tested, but it can be indicated for the treatment of several health problems, both physical and emotional, such as:

  • Chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia; Muscle injuries, caused by sports activities; Diseases of the reproductive system, such as menstrual cramps and infertility; Gastrointestinal disorders, such as stomach ulcers and constipation.

In addition, this type of therapy can be recommended for people who have symptoms such as anxiety and stress and, some studies, reveal the application of moxibustion to help treat pelvic presentation in late pregnancy, which is when the baby is sitting, while instead of being upside down.

How it is done

Therapy through moxibustion is done by applying heat to the skin, using a stick filled with medicinal plants, such as sagebrush. Artemisia, popularly known as St. John's wort, is generally used to treat urinary tract infections, menstrual cramps and depression. See more for what the mugwort plant and the main types are for.

In moxibustion sessions, the heated stick is placed on specific points on the skin, depending on the person's health problem and, generally, applications start to be made from the front of the body, helping to release the energy channels, called meridians.

The acupuncturist specialized in moxibustion, brings the stick close to the person's skin for a period of 5 minutes, keeping the hand close to feel the intensity of the heat applied, preventing the skin from burning. These sessions last an average of 40 minutes and the number of sessions indicated depends on each person, but in most cases, 10 sessions are recommended.

At the end of each moxibustion session, the person may feel sudden heat throughout the body and this means that the energy flow has been released and the technique has been applied correctly. Often, the doctor or physiotherapist indicates conventional acupuncture in the same session so that greater health benefits are achieved.

Main types

In moxibustion therapy heat is applied to the skin using a stick wrapped around medicinal plants that can be done in two ways:

  • Direct Moxa: consists of the application of the stick with the wormwood herb directly on the skin, and because of the risk of burns, it is very little used; Indirect moxa: it is carried out when the heat, through the stick, is not applied directly on the skin, being used pieces of garlic or ginger to isolate the applied heat a little.

Currently, the most used type of moxibustion is the electric moxa, which works like a laser and causes the skin to heat by means of light, and in these cases, the risk of burning is less.

What are the risks

To perform moxibustion, it is necessary to look for a trained professional and a clinic with health surveillance approval, so that it does not cause any damage to health and the results are positive. It is also important to see a general practitioner depending on the symptoms presented, and only do moxibustion if approved by the doctor.

Generally, this type of therapy does not cause any side effects, as it is a natural procedure and does not cause pain, however, some people may have allergies to the products used, as well as having a cough because of the smoke eliminated by burning the substances in the stick.

Moxibustion: what it is and what it is for