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What not to eat while breastfeeding


During breastfeeding, women should avoid consuming foods such as alcoholic beverages and excessive coffee, as they are substances that can pass into breast milk and harm the baby's health.

The mother's feeding during breastfeeding should not be special, but varied, balanced and healthy, however it is necessary to observe if the baby feels colic or cries more after the mother consumes some foods such as milk and dairy products, peanuts and shrimp, as the The baby's intestine is still forming and may react with allergic attacks or difficulty digesting.

Find out more about how the mother should feed while breastfeeding.

Foods to Avoid

Foods to avoid during breastfeeding are:

1. Alcohol

The main food that should be removed from the diet during breastfeeding is alcoholic beverages, since alcohol passes quickly into breast milk, so that after 30 to 60 minutes, milk has the same amount of alcohol as the body. In addition, alcohol reduces the absorption of nutrients in the mother's intestines that are necessary for the baby's growth and development.

When alcohol passes into breast milk and is ingested by the baby, it can cause drowsiness and irritability, which can affect the nervous system. In addition, the baby's body does not remove alcohol from the body as easily as it does in an adult body.

In case of consuming it, it should be just 1 drink and you should wait 2 to 3 hours to breastfeed again. Therefore, if the woman wishes to drink alcoholic beverages, it is recommended that she express the milk first and store or drink it after breastfeeding so that the woman's body has enough time to eliminate the alcohol.

2. Aspartame

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that appears to be unsafe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, although the relationship between aspartame and breastfeeding has not been proven, its consumption should be avoided. In addition, it is also necessary to avoid industrialized products that contain sweeteners in their composition, being necessary to check the list of ingredients of the product before consuming it.

The best choice to replace sugar is to use a natural sweetener from a plant called stevia, with consumption permitted at all stages of life. Learn how to choose the best sweetener.

Foods to consume in moderation

The following foods should be eaten in moderation while breastfeeding:

1. Caffeine

Foods high in caffeine, such as coffee, cola sodas, energy drinks, green tea, mate tea and black tea should be consumed in small amounts, as caffeine is a stimulant that can make the baby more irritable and with difficulty sleeping.

The recommendation is to drink a maximum of two cups of coffee per day, which is equivalent to 200 mg of caffeine, or you can also opt for decaffeinated coffee.

2. Foods that cause gases

Foods such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, egg, garlic, onion, pepper and sweet potato should also be consumed in moderation because they can cause gas in the baby, increasing his cramps and making feeding difficult.

3. Foods that cause allergy

Some foods tend to cause more allergies and can cause symptoms in the baby, such as red skin, itching, eczema, constipation or diarrhea. If they are connected to food, you should observe what has been consumed for 6 to 8 hours before breastfeeding the baby.

It is important that the woman is especially attentive when eating any of the following foods:

  • Milk and dairy products; Soybeans; Wheat flour; Eggs; Dried fruits, peanuts and chestnuts; Corn and corn syrup, the latter being widely found in industrialized products and can be identified in the nutritional table.

If the woman believes that any of these foods is causing allergy, she should eliminate it from the diet and take the baby to the pediatrician, as there are several reasons that can cause allergies on the baby's skin in addition to food, such as milk protein of cow.

4. Some types of fish and seafood

Especially those who have a high mercury content may pose a risk to the baby's developing nervous system. Some of the fish are shark, swordfish and horse mackerel. Tuna and bonito should be limited to 170 grams per week.

What not to eat while breastfeeding