Home Bulls 8 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make Before Intimate Relationship

8 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make Before Intimate Relationship


Taking care before intimate contact helps to avoid unpleasant situations, which can disrupt the relationship of women and men. Eating little, not overdoing the drink, being careful with hygiene and not taking sleep-causing drugs, such as antihistamines, can be some tips that help to minimize problems at this time.

Thus, some things that should not be done before intimate contact are:

1. Overeating

Being on a full stomach at these times disrupts the intimate relationship, as in addition to the risk of gas production, regurgitation and abdominal discomfort, the body expends a lot of energy for digestion, causing the feeling of tiredness and indisposition.

2. Overdoing the drink

Excessive alcoholic beverages, in addition to decreasing sensitivity and attention, can cause more difficulty in reaching orgasm, because it inhibits arousal stimuli.

3. Eat certain types of food

Eating foods like milk, cheese or fried foods and fats facilitates the production of odors and gases, in addition to causing slower and more difficult digestion. Built-in, canned and salted foods hinder the circulation of blood throughout the body, which can decrease the stimulus for intimate contact and hinder erection in men.

In addition, very citrusy, spicy or acidic foods can alter the taste of intimate lubrication, especially in women, in addition to causing some irritation in the partner's genital region.

4. Use food in foreplay

Using sweets, such as liquid chocolate or fruits and vegetables during foreplay, can alter the pH of the intimate region, especially in women, increasing the risk of candidiasis and other infections, as well as irritations in the area.

5. Carelessness with hygiene

Carelessness with hygiene that causes body odors or bad breath, disrupts any relationship, and can be enough to end the partner's desire. For this reason, in addition to a good bath, having good oral hygiene and wearing clean underwear are essential to make a good impression on the partner and have a more pleasurable intimate relationship.

6. Taking antihistamines

Some drugs may have active ingredients that cause sleep in their composition, as is the case with antihistamines, for example, that can disrupt the intimate relationship and make the person sleepy.

7. Being very anxious or worried

Financial worries, stress and anxiety about some day-to-day situation can disrupt the intimate relationship, as they prevent the person from relaxing and feeling pleasure, in addition to causing difficulty in having an erection in men.

8. Do intimate waxing

Epilation on the same day of the relationship, in addition to causing pain and irritation, due to increased sensitivity, can cause wounds that increase the chances of infection by sexually transmitted diseases.

Also watch the following video and learn how to improve intimate contact and the health benefits:

8 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make Before Intimate Relationship