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Neurasthenia: how to identify and treat


Neurasthenia is a psychological disorder, the cause of which is unclear and characterized by weakening of the nervous system, resulting in weakness, emotional exhaustion, headache and excessive tiredness, for example.

Neurasthenia is usually considered as a combination of several factors, such as genetic and environmental, such as a stressful routine or family problems, for example. Thus, the diagnosis of this disorder is made by the psychologist or psychiatrist by assessing the symptoms presented and excluding other situations that may have the same symptoms, such as generalized anxiety disorder, for example.

Treatment is done by changing eating and living habits, such as avoiding the consumption of fatty foods and regular physical activity, for example, in addition to psychotherapy sessions and use of antidepressant medications if necessary.

Main symptoms

Neurasthenia symptoms can appear at any time in life and it is more frequent in people who have a stressful routine, sleep poorly or do not have good habits, such as excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or fatty foods, for example. The main symptoms of neurasthenia are:

  • Headache; Physical and emotional exhaustion; Body aches; Increased sensitivity; Pressure and weight in the head; Tinnitus; Dizziness; Changes in sleep; Excessive tiredness; Difficulty in relaxing; Difficulty concentrating; Numbness and tingling in the limbs; Anxiety or depression.

The diagnosis of neurasthenia is made by the psychologist or psychoanalyst through the observation of the symptoms described and presented by the person, in addition to the exclusion of other diseases that may develop with the same symptoms, such as panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder, for example.

In addition, the psychoanalyst can perform psychological tests to establish the diagnosis of neurasthenia, which must be based on the symptoms and their duration, which must be longer than 3 months to be suggestive of neurasthenia.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of neurasthenia must be done through therapy, in which the psychiatrist or psychoanalyst seeks to understand the reason for neurasthenia, help the person to organize, stimulate self-esteem and confidence, in addition to assisting in the search for activities that promote the relaxation.

The psychiatrist can also recommend the use of antidepressant drugs, as they stimulate the production and release of hormones responsible for well-being, which should be recommended and used as directed by the doctor. See which are the most indicated antidepressant remedies.

Changing habits is important not only in the treatment of neurasthenia, but also in its prevention. Thus, it is important that the diet is balanced and rich in fiber, legumes, vegetables and fruits, in addition to avoiding alcoholic beverages, fatty foods and cigarettes, for example. It is also indicated to practice regular physical activities, as it is thus possible to naturally stimulate the production of hormones responsible for the feeling of well-being, helping to relax.

Neurasthenia: how to identify and treat