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What is nail melanoma, symptoms and treatment


Nail melanoma, also called subungual melanoma, is a rare type of cancer that appears on the nails and can be noticed by the presence of a dark vertical spot on the nail that increases over time. This type of melanoma is more frequent in adults and has no definite cause, being considered that its appearance is due to genetic factors.

This type of melanoma is considered to be the most fatal, as it is usually mistaken for bruises or fungal infections, which ends up delaying diagnosis and starting treatment. However, when identified soon, nail melanoma has a great chance of cure.

Symptoms of melanoma in the nail

The main symptom of nail melanoma is the appearance of a dark spot, usually brown or black and upright, on the thumbnail or big toe, which does not pass over time and increases in thickness. In addition, other signs and symptoms can be observed, such as bleeding at the spot and the appearance of a lump under the nail that may or may not have pigmentation. In addition, in more advanced cases, nail destruction can be observed and the stain may be present throughout its length.

Nail melanoma has no specific cause, however it is believed to be directly related to genetic factors and, therefore, prolonged and frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays, which is the main cause of melanoma in the skin, can stimulate the expression of cancer-related genes, leading to the development of the disease.

How the diagnosis is made

As subungual ringworm can easily be mistaken for a hematoma or infection, since the symptoms are similar, the diagnosis is, most of the time, late, which can result in complications for the person, including metastasis, in which the cells malignant diseases spread to other parts of the body.

Therefore, if the presence of a vertical dark spot on the nail is verified, the best thing to do is to go to the dermatologist so that the nail is evaluated and biopsy can be performed, which is the only diagnostic method available to confirm the nail melanoma.

Although nail melanoma is often mistaken for a yeast infection, the two situations have few similarities. This is because in mycosis, which is fungal infection, there are changes in the structure of the nail, such as color changes and changes in the thickness and texture of the nail, which does not happen in subungual melanoma. Learn how to recognize fungal nail infection.

How to treat

The treatment of nail melanoma is surgical, often requiring removal of the nail and affected tissue. In the most severe cases, when the melanoma is already more advanced, amputation of the finger may be necessary, followed by radio and chemotherapy, since there is a greater chance of metastasis.

It is important that both diagnosis and treatment are made as soon as the first suggestive alteration of melanoma is noticed, as this way it is possible to increase the chances of cure.

What is nail melanoma, symptoms and treatment