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Intestinal obstruction: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Intestinal obstruction happens when feces are unable to pass through the intestine due to interference in its path, such as the presence of intestinal bridles, tumors or inflammation, for example. In these cases, symptoms such as difficulty in evacuating or eliminating gas, swelling of the belly, nausea or abdominal pain usually appear.

Since the obstruction impedes the passage of digested food through the intestine, feces, intestinal gases and digestive secretions end up accumulating, which increases pressure within the intestine and causes the risk of serious complications such as intestinal perforation, generalized infection and intestinal tissue death.

Thus, if there is a suspicion of an obstruction in the intestine, it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately, to confirm the diagnosis and start the treatment, which is usually done with the administration of fluids through the vein, passage of a tube in the digestive tract or surgery, depending on of gravity.

Possible symptoms

The most common symptoms of an intestinal obstruction are stopping the elimination of feces and gases. However, if the obstruction is partial, it is possible that there will still be gas elimination. Other common symptoms include:

  • Exaggerated belly swelling; Colic and severe abdominal pain; Decreased appetite; Nausea and vomiting.

The intensity of the symptoms varies according to the cause and severity of the disease that causes the obstruction.

In addition, the symptoms presented may also vary according to the affected site, with vomiting and nausea being more common in small bowel obstruction, while excess gas and constipation are more frequent in large bowel obstruction, for example. example.

How to confirm the diagnosis

Usually, to identify the problem, the doctor starts by assessing the symptoms and palpating the belly with his hands, to try to identify any changes. You can also use the stethoscope to hear if there are noises in the belly that indicate whether the intestine is working properly or not.

When intestinal obstruction is suspected, at least one diagnostic test, such as radiography or computed tomography, is required to confirm the diagnosis and observe where the occlusion is in the intestine.

Possible causes of obstruction

There are many causes that can lead to the appearance of an obstruction in the intestine, from mechanical causes, in which there is a physical obstacle, as well as a functional obstruction, which is when bowel movements are paralyzed.

The main causes include:

  • Intestinal flaps, which are adhesions of tissue on the walls of the intestine, more common in people who have undergone abdominal surgery. Understand how they form and how to treat abdominal bridles; Hernias; Intestinal tumor, especially in the large intestine. See a list of bowel cancer symptoms; Diverticulitis; Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease; Bowel torsion; Paralysis of bowel movements, called paralytic ileus, due to metabolic changes such as lack of potassium in the blood; Ischemia intestine; Intestinal endometriosis; Worms accumulation; Post-radiation enteritis in the treatment of cancer; Lead poisoning.

Some of these causes can cause a complete and abrupt obstruction of the intestine, causing more severe symptoms, or only a partial obstruction or that happens gradually, when the symptoms are milder and there are less health risks. However, all cases need proper treatment as soon as possible.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for intestinal obstruction varies according to the location and severity of symptoms and should always be done in the hospital, to avoid the appearance of complications, which can be aggravated if you try to use laxatives at home, for example.

In the case of a partial obstruction, with milder symptoms, it may normally only be necessary to administer fluids in the vein, to improve hydration and facilitate the passage of feces and fluids. In addition, intestinal rest should also be done, so you must fast until the problem is resolved. Often, a probe is also placed from the nose to the stomach to remove excess gas and liquids, relieving pressure in the intestine.

In the most severe cases, as in the case of complete obstruction, in addition to previous care, surgery is also required to treat the cause and clear the intestine, allowing the stool to pass again.

What are the possible risks and complications

Treatment of intestinal obstruction should be started as soon as possible to avoid possible complications such as:

  • Dehydration; Perforation of the intestine; Generalized infection; Death of a part of the intestine.

All of these complications can be life-threatening, as they contribute to inflammation, widespread infection and multiple organ failure. Thus, whenever there is a suspicion that the intestine is not working properly, medical attention should be sought to identify if there is a problem that needs to be treated.

Intestinal obstruction: what it is, symptoms and treatment