Home Bulls What is orchiepididymitis, symptoms and treatment

What is orchiepididymitis, symptoms and treatment


Orchiepididymitis is a very common inflammatory process involving the testicles (orchitis) and the epididymis (epididymitis). The epididymis is a small duct that collects and stores the sperm produced inside the testicles.

Inflammation can be caused by bacteria or viruses, as in the case of mumps, which is the most common way of developing orchitis or epididymitis, but can also be the result of sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. Bacterial agents that cause urinary infections like Escherichia Coli can also start the inflammatory process, as well as trauma to the site.

Symptoms of orchiepididymitis

Symptoms of orchiepididymitis begin with:

  • Painful increase in just one or both testicles, which worsens over the course of days; Local inflammatory signs such as heat and flushing (redness); There may be fever, nausea and vomiting; There may be flaking of the testicular skin.

The doctor most indicated to observe the region and indicate the treatment is the urologist, who can palpate the testicle and check if there is relief of symptoms when trying to hold the testicles by hand. Digital rectal examination can be useful to assess size, consistency and sensitivity, as well as nodules that may be present.

The doctor may order tests such as blood, urine, urine culture and secretion from the urethra. If syphilis is suspected, this test may also be ordered. It is not always necessary to perform an ultrasound of the region.

Treatment for orchiepididymitis

In the treatment for orchiepididymitis, medicines are used to relieve symptoms, such as trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole or fluoroquinolone, and use of scrotal support using athletic trunks so that the swelling does not make the pain worse by the action of gravity. When the cause is a bacterium, vancomycin or cephalosporin, for example, can be used.

In infectious cases, in addition to the treatment of symptoms, it is necessary to try to identify the initial focus of the infection and if the cause is a sexually transmitted disease it must be eliminated. When it is discovered that they were fungi, anti-fungals should be used.

What is orchiepididymitis, symptoms and treatment