Home Bulls Pityriasis versicolor: what it is, photos and treatment

Pityriasis versicolor: what it is, photos and treatment


White cloth, also known as beach ringworm or pityriasis versicolor, is a skin disease caused by the fungus Malassezia furfur , which produces a substance called azelaic acid, which prevents the skin from producing melanin when exposed to the sun. Thus, in places where the fungus is, the skin is not tanned like the rest of the body, leading to the appearance of small white spots.

This type of yeast infection is more common in hot and humid climates, and is therefore very common in several places in Brazil.

To treat pityriasis versicolor, antifungal ointments should be applied to the affected area and, therefore, it is best to consult a dermatologist to find the best option.

Main symptoms

The most frequent symptoms of white cloth on the skin are:

  • Yellowish or whitish circular spots; Skin peeling; White spots that slowly increase in size; Stains that disappear after the summer.

These skin changes can appear more frequently on the chest, neck, scalp and arms and, in many cases, the spots can be very light.

In addition, there are also cases where the spots can cause some itching, especially during the summer.

See what other problems can cause the appearance of white spots on the skin.

How to confirm the diagnosis

The dermatologist is able to identify the white cloth only by looking at the skin and scalp, however, if there are doubts, it is possible to confirm the diagnosis through the Wood lamp. This test uses a dark light on the skin that makes the sites affected by the fungus shine, confirming the diagnosis.

How the treatment is done and the best Ointments

The treatment for the white cloth is done with the use of antifungal ointments, such as:

  • Econazole; KetoconazoleTerbinafine.

Generally, these ointments should be applied between 3 and 21 days, before sleeping, according to the dermatologist's instructions.

In the most persistent cases, in which the stains do not improve only with the use of ointments, the doctor may prescribe the use of antifungal tablets, such as Itraconazole or Fluconazole, for example, which help eliminate fungi throughout the body, having a stronger effect than ointments. See which remedies are most used in the case of white cloth.

In very tanned people, healing can be achieved, but the blemishes can still be present. This is because the fungus is no longer on the skin, but the skin has not been properly tanned in the affected areas. In these cases, the only way to prove the cure is to do an examination, such as Wood's lamp.

Possible causes of the white cloth

The white cloth is caused by the development of the Malassezia furfur fungus on the skin and, therefore, can appear on anyone. However, this fungus is more frequent in cases of:

  • Excess heat; Oily skin; Excessive sweat on the skin; Genetic predisposition.

In addition, people with weakened immune systems, such as children, the elderly or those with autoimmune diseases, such as HIV, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, are also more likely to have this skin infection.

Pityriasis versicolor: what it is, photos and treatment