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What can cause breast enlargement in men


Gynecomastia is a disorder that occurs in men, most often at puberty, which is characterized by breast enlargement, which can happen due to excess glandular breast tissue, being overweight or even diseases.

False gynecomastia occurs in men who are overweight and develop breast enlargement. In this case, there are no mammary glands next to the fat and therefore hormonal medications are not indicated for treatment. This type of breast augmentation in men is called lipomastia.

Gynecomastia occurs when there are mammary glands located in the place where there should only be a thin layer of fat and in this case, this can occur in one breast, having the name of unilateral gynecomastia, or in both breasts, being called bilateral gynecomastia. When it occurs in both breasts, they usually increase unevenly, which damages the boy's self-esteem.

Gynecomastia is curable, since at puberty it is usually transient, disappearing spontaneously or can be corrected through treatment with the elimination of its cause or through plastic surgery.

Main causes

The causes of gynecomastia can be changes in male and female hormones, liver disease, some drug treatments with female hormones, taking anabolic steroids, consumption of drugs such as marijuana or testicular or lung tumors, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, pleural effusion or tuberculosis.

The remedies that are proven to lead to breast enlargement in men are creams or substances that contain estrogen such as:

  • clomiphene, based on cannabis, isoniazid, gonadotropin, growth hormone, busulfan, nitrosourea, vincristine, ketoconazole, metronidazole, etomidate, leuprolide, flutamide, finasteride, cyproterone, cimetidine, calcium channel blockers, enzyme inhibitors (angiotensin inhibitors) ECA), beta-blockers, amiodarone, methyldopa, nitrates, neuroleptics, diazepam, spironolactone, phenytoin, tricyclic antidepressants, haloperidol, amphetamines, theophylline, omeprazole, domperidone, heparin and AIDS drugs.

In cases where gynecomastia is caused by the use of medications, its use should be suspended, if possible.

Types of gynecomastia

Types of gynecomastia include:

  • Grade 1 gynecomastia, in which the appearance of a mass of concentrated glandular tissue, like a button around the areola, with no accumulation of skin or fat; Grade 2 gynecomastia, in which the mass of breast tissue is diffuse, and fat may accumulate; Grade 3 gynecomastia, in which the mass of breast tissue is quite diffuse, and there is also, in addition to fat, excess skin at the site.

Depending on the types of gynecomastia, the surgery is more complex.

How to identify

To identify gynecomastia, just look at the size and shape of the male chest. Breast augmentation is often disturbing and shameful for men, as it is associated with psychological factors, such as embarrassment and limitations in sport and other social activities, such as going to the beach or wearing tighter clothing.

How to treat

Treatment for gynecomastia is related to the cause. When gynecomastia is due to hormonal imbalance, treatment is done with hormones to regulate them. An example of a remedy for gynecomastia is Tamoxifen, which is an anti-estrogen that blocks the effects of estrogens, which are female hormones.

In cases where the remedies had no effect, surgery for gynecomastia, for reduction of the breast or breasts, is indicated. See how the surgery is done in: Treatment for gynecomastia.

What can cause breast enlargement in men