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What can lead teenagers to attempt suicide


Adolescent suicide is defined as the act of a young person, between 12 and 21 years old, taking his own life. In some cases, the suicide may be the result of transformations and innumerable internal conflicts that occur in adolescence and, therefore, there is a greater risk of depression, bipolar disorder and the young person giving in to pressures imposed by others or by society.

Suicidal behavior is divided into 3 phases: thinking about suicide, attempting suicide and consummation of suicide. The young man who thinks about taking his life, believes that there are no solutions to his problems and, usually, shows signs of an emotional imbalance, which can go unnoticed by family and friends, due to the characteristics of adolescence, for example. See what are these signs that may indicate the risk of suicide.

Some factors that favor thoughts and suicide attempts during adolescence include:

1. Depression

Depression is the leading cause of teenage suicide. The depressed young man prefers to be alone than to go out with friends and may have feelings like sadness and loneliness, which favor thoughts and planning of suicide. Not having a good friend or boyfriend to talk to, who is able to show understanding and understand their difficulties, makes life heavier and harder to bear.

  • What to do: Seeking help from a psychologist, psychiatrist or even self-help groups, it is important to start treating depression, as it allows the teenager to talk about their feelings, seeking strategies to relieve pain and get out of depression. In some cases, the psychiatrist may also prescribe medication.

2. Love or family problems

Family problems such as loss of parents, separation, frequent fights and arguments, not having space at home to express their emotions or not feeling loved and understood by the partner in the relationship, are factors that increase the anguish and pain that the teenager feels, leading him to think about suicide.

  • How to resolve: Finding time to talk calmly and thoughtfully and providing a balanced environment at home or within a loving relationship can help the young person feel better. More important than pointing out the other's mistakes, it is to express feelings calmly and without judgments, showing just that you want to be understood.

3. Use of drugs or alcohol

Alcoholism and drug use also favor suicide. The use of these substances in excess, already indicates that the young person is not able to resolve inner conflicts, and that he may be experiencing a moment of anguish or frustration. In addition, the action of these substances in the brain changes brain functions, the state of consciousness and thinking, favoring self-destructive ideas.

  • How to stop: In case of addiction, it is best to seek treatment against chemical dependency, but if the use of these substances is sporadic or recent, it may be possible to stop using it, without the need for hospitalization. Taking up time with outdoor activities can help to distract the mind, but the most important thing is to be the young person to decide that he no longer wants to use drugs or consume alcoholic beverages. In addition, looking for a good friend to vent when you feel sad or depressed can also help.

4. Bullying

Bullying happens when other people denigrate the image or even physically attack the victim who feels helpless, which is a common situation in childhood and adolescence, although it is a crime.

  • How to solve it: Inform those responsible about bullying and find together a strategy to stop it happening. Know what bullying is and its consequences.

5. Emotional trauma

Being a victim of sexual abuse or mistreatment are factors that favor suicidal thoughts, because the person feels trapped by the problems and cannot cope with the pain he feels daily. Over time, the pain does not diminish and the person becomes distressed and depressed, which favors suicidal thoughts, because the person may feel that taking his own life is the best solution to solve the problem.

  • How to deal with pain: Emotional traumas should be treated with the accompaniment of the psychiatrist, with calming remedies for better sleep. Participating in self-help support groups is also a great help to stop the emotional, and even physical, pain. Listening to the stories of other people who have been through the same situation and doing tasks that are indicated in these groups, is also part of the treatment to overcome the trauma. Check out the consequences and how to deal with sexual abuse.

In addition, people who have had cases of suicide in the family, who have tried to take their lives, girls who became pregnant in adolescence and young people with school difficulties are also more likely to think about suicide.

Another factor that should not be ignored is that hearing about the subject on television, radio or social networks also influences and ends up favoring people susceptible to suicide, because they start to think of it as a way to solve their problems in the same way.

How to avoid suicide

To avoid thoughts and planning of suicide in young people, it is important to be aware of signs that may indicate that the person is thinking about taking his own life. Sudden changes in mood, aggression, depression and the use of phrases such as: 'I am thinking of killing myself; the world would be better without me, or everything would be resolved if I were not here 'also serve as a warning.

But just identifying these signs is not enough, which is why it is very important to seek professional help, with a psychologist or psychiatrist to define strategies to stop thinking about taking life.

Strengthening the emotional bond with family, friends and a faith community such as the church, for example, can help to have more satisfying interpersonal relationships and increase the perception of support, thus improving the well-being and quality of life of the young person.

If you think you have no one who can help, you can contact the life support center by calling 141, which is available 24 hours a day.

What can lead teenagers to attempt suicide