Home Bulls Bleeding outside the menstrual period: what it can be (and when to go to the doctor)

Bleeding outside the menstrual period: what it can be (and when to go to the doctor)


Bleeding outside the menstrual period can be considered normal when it occurs after gynecological exams and contraceptive changes, with no treatment necessary and not indicating any health problem. In most cases, bleeding outside the menstrual period corresponds to spotting , also called escape bleeding, which is a small bleed that can occur between menstrual cycles and lasts for about 2 days.

However, a little bleeding outside the menstrual period can also be a sign of pregnancy when it appears 2 to 3 days after unprotected intimate contact, for example, or it can be a symptom of pre-menopause when it happens in women over 40 years old. Find out what bleeding in pregnancy means.

Main causes

The main causes of bleeding outside the menstrual period are:

  • Stress, since in these situations hormonal dysregulations can occur, however it can be solved through exercises and aromatherapy, for example; Change of contraceptive method, being considered a normal cause of bleeding outside the menstrual period and, therefore, it is recommended to wait until the body gets used to it. If the bleeding continues, it is recommended to go to the gynecologist to assess whether the cause of the bleeding is in fact the change in contraceptive method; Uterine polyps, which are more common in menopausal women and correspond to the excessive growth of cells in the inner wall of the uterus and do not always need treatment, only when malignancy is suspected. Learn about uterine polyps; Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is characterized by the presence of several cysts in the ovary due to a hormonal imbalance and whose treatment should be done according to the guidance of the gynecologist, and the use of contraceptives is usually recommended. Check out 7 common questions about polycystic ovary syndrome; Thyroid problems, in which there is dysregulation in the production of a series of hormones, which can result in bleeding outside the menstrual period. To relieve symptoms related to thyroid problems, it is indicated to increase the consumption of foods with iodine, zinc and selenium to regulate the thyroid; Infections, which can be caused by parasites, fungi or bacteria, and can even be a Sexually Transmitted Disease, in which case bleeding is also observed after sexual intercourse. Depending on the type of infection, the doctor may indicate the use of drugs to fight the infection; After gynecological exams, since some procedures can be invasive, such as pap smears, for example, it is completely normal to have minor bleeding, and no treatment is necessary.

In addition, other situations can cause bleeding outside the menstrual period or excessive bleeding, such as ectopic pregnancy and uterine cancer, and it is necessary to follow all medical recommendations.

Not to be confused with bleeding outside the menstrual period, know when your period should return:

Bleeding after intercourse

Bleeding after intercourse is not normal, only when it comes to the first intercourse, with the hymen breaking. If bleeding occurs after intercourse, it is important to go to the gynecologist so that tests can be done and the cause of the bleeding is identified. See which exams are normally requested by the gynecologist.

Bleeding can indicate sexually transmitted diseases, trauma during intercourse, the presence of wounds on the cervix or occur due to insufficient lubrication of the vagina, for example. In addition, if the woman has cancer or ovarian cysts, endometriosis or bacterial or fungal infections, bleeding may occur after intercourse. Learn about bleeding after intercourse.

Bleeding after sexual intercourse can be assessed according to the amount of blood and color, with bright red indicating infections or lack of lubrication, and brown indicating leakage bleeding, which lasts about 2 days. Know when dark bleeding is a warning sign.

When to go to the doctor

It is advisable to go to the gynecologist when:

  • Bleeding occurs outside the menstrual period; Excessive bleeding appears for more than 3 days; Exhaust bleeding, even if short, lasts more than 3 cycles; Excessive bleeding occurs after intimate contact; Vaginal bleeding occurs during menopause.

In these cases, the doctor may perform diagnostic tests, such as a pap smear, ultrasound or colposcopy to assess the woman's reproductive system and identify if there is a problem causing the bleeding, initiating appropriate treatment, if necessary. Also learn how to treat menstrual bleeding.

Bleeding outside the menstrual period: what it can be (and when to go to the doctor)