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Sudden death of the baby


Sudden death syndrome is when the baby dies unexpectedly and inexplicably during sleep, because even after performing all the necessary tests, no cause for death is found.

In this case it is believed that the baby died while sleeping due to an immaturity in the ability to wake up, and although sudden death can happen up to 1 year of age, but it is more common in babies between 2 and 3 months of life.

What causes

Although its cause is not fully understood, sudden death syndrome can be related to some risk factors such as:

  • Baby sleeping on his stomach; Parents smoking and exposing the baby to cigarettes when he was still in the belly; Age of the mother under 20 years; Baby sleeping in the parents' bed.

Sudden death is more common during the winter, especially in the coldest regions of Brazil, such as Rio Grande do Sul, where higher numbers of cases were recorded but it can also happen in the summer in the hottest places.

It is believed that the biggest problem is when the baby has very warm clothes and blankets, which lead to overheating because the baby is more comfortable and tends to wake up less, and this is exactly the problem. In addition, at high temperature, the baby often has short stops in breathing, a situation called infant apnea. Learn more about this change, also known as ALTE.

How to prevent sudden baby death

The only way to prevent sudden baby death is to avoid the risk factors mentioned above and take care of the baby, making your crib a safe place to rest. Some strategies that can help are:

  • Put the baby to sleep always on his back, and if he turns over while sleeping, turn him over on his back; Put the baby to sleep with a pacifier, which increases the functioning of the parasympathetic system, causing him to wake up more times even if I am not fully awake; Avoid placing blankets or heavy blankets that can cover the baby if he moves during sleep, so it is best to dress the baby in long sleeve pajamas and long pants with warm fabric and use only a thin sheet to cover him. If it is too cold, cover the baby with a polar blanket but be careful not to cover the head and place the sides of the blanket trapped under the baby's mattress; Place the baby to sleep in your crib always, although it can be placed in the parents' room, this practice is not recommended if one parent is a smoker; Do not put the baby to sleep in the same bed as the parents, especially after consuming alcoholic beverages, taking sleeping pills or using illicit drugs; Position the baby with the feet against the bottom edge of the crib, to prevent it from sliding and being under the covers.

Sudden death syndrome is not fully understood and further research must be carried out to understand its causes. Some possibilities indicate that the secret may lie in the mechanism that controls breathing during sleep, and the transition from the way the baby still breathes, to the way adults breathe, which occurs between the 2nd and 4th month of life. Another possibility will be genetic changes.

How many months can the baby sleep on his stomach

The baby can only sleep on his stomach after 1 year of age, which is when there is no risk of sudden death syndrome. Until then, the baby should only sleep on his back, whether from the morning nap, afternoon nap or even at night. This position is the safest and since the baby's head will be on its side, it does not run the risk of choking, but if you continue with this fear, remember to burp the baby whenever you put him to sleep.

The belly-up position is safer and decreases the risk of sudden death but also decreases the risk of ear infections, so the baby can only win.

Sudden death of the baby