Home Bulls Baby sleep at 6 months

Baby sleep at 6 months


The baby's sleep at 6 months is restful, since at this age he can sleep about 11 hours a night, without the need to be fed in the middle of the night.

The 6-month-old baby should take 2 naps, 1 to 2 hours, usually in the morning and during the early hours of the afternoon, so that he can sleep well at night.

Some suggestions that can help when the baby goes to sleep can be:

  • Lay the baby in the crib while he is still awake so he can get used to falling asleep in his own bed; Give the baby a soft toy or his favorite to help him fall asleep; Put soft music and low light in the baby's room so that he can calm down and fall asleep more easily Do not shake the baby too much, whether playing with siblings or even watching television, so that he does not stay awake and, thus, it is more difficult to fall asleep.

It is important to establish a routine before the baby goes to sleep, as this will help him to realize that it is time to sleep. Bathing the baby, playing a quiet game, reading a bedtime story or singing a lullaby in the same order and at the same time each night is an example of a routine you can adopt.

It is while the baby sleeps that he produces the namesake of growth, so it is necessary that he sleep well for him to grow and develop better.

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Baby sleep at 6 months