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Newborn baby sleeping


The sleep of the newborn baby, in the first month, is usually calm and lasts about 16 to 17 hours a day. Normally, the baby wakes up because he is hungry or his diaper is dirty, however, if this does not happen, you should wake him up, as he should not go more than 3 hours without eating.

From 1 ½ months of age, the baby begins to relate the cycles of light and darkness, sleeps a little more at night and at 3 months, usually sleeps more than 5 hours in a row.

The newborn baby's restless sleep, along with difficulty sleeping and crying, can indicate cramps or other health problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux. In the case of colic, the baby should be burped after breastfeeding or bending the baby's knees and taking them against the belly with some pressure. In the case of gastroesophageal reflux, in addition to placing the baby to burp, lay him on his side, with the head of the cradle raised about 30 degrees, placing a 10 cm wedge.

In any case, the baby should be taken to the pediatrician for him to evaluate the baby and indicate the appropriate treatment, if necessary.

Newborn baby's sleep hours

The newborn baby's hours of sleep, in the first month of life, occupy most of the day, as the baby sleeps about 16 to 17 hours a day, however, he can stay awake for up to 1 or 2 hours in a row.

The newborn baby's sleep time usually varies with feeding. The baby who breastfeeds usually wakes up every 2 to 3 hours to breastfeed, while the baby who is fed by the bottle usually wakes up every 4 hours. However, there are babies who do not wake up, so the important thing is not to let the baby go more than 3 hours without eating.

Newborn baby sleep routine

The sleep routine of the newborn baby, during the first month of life, is related to feeding and diaper changes.

So, it is important, if the baby does not wake up to breastfeed or because he has a dirty diaper, wake him up to feed him, never letting the 3 hours pass between meals, especially if the baby is fed by the bottle.

How To Control Newborn Baby's Sleep

To control the sleep of the newborn baby, parents can adopt some strategies from the second week of life, such as:

During the day

  • Keep the house lit; Play with the baby as much as possible; Wake the baby during feedings, talking and singing to him; Do not avoid making noises, such as the phone, talking or vacuuming the house, even if the baby is sleeping.

During the night

  • Make little noise; Do not play with the baby; Keep the environment dark, turning on only a night light when feeding the baby or changing the diaper.

These strategies teach the baby to distinguish day from night, controlling his sleep.

Is it normal for the newborn to stop breathing while sleeping?

Babies under 1 month of age, especially those born prematurely, may suffer from sleep apnea syndrome. In that case the baby stops breathing for a few seconds but then starts breathing normally again afterwards. This pause in breathing does not always have a specific cause and the most common is related to several factors, such as heart problems or reflux, for example.

Therefore, it is not expected that any baby will not breathe while sleeping and if it does, it should be investigated. The baby may even have to be admitted to the hospital for tests. However, half of the time, no cause is found. Learn more about how to identify and treat this syndrome.

Newborn baby sleeping