Home Bulls Oceral



Oceral is an antifungal medication that has Oxiconazole as its active substance.

This topical medicine is indicated for the treatment of Tínea Corporis and athlete's foot, its action alters the cell membrane of the fungus, which ends up weakened and eliminated from the body.

Indications of the Oceral (What is it for)

Tínea corporis; Tiny cruris; athlete's foot.

Oceral Price

The 20 mg box of oceral can cost approximately between 16 and 20 reais.

Side Effects of Oceral

Itching; fissure; local irritation; maceration; burn; redness.

Contraindications of Oceral

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; do not use in the eyes or in areas surrounding them.

Directions for use of Oceral (Posology)

Topical Use


  • Apply a light layer of the medication on the affected area, once a day, for at least 3 weeks, gently massaging the area. To prevent recurrence, keep the treatment for 1 or 2 weeks after the symptoms disappear.