Home Bulls Onicit



Onicit is an antiemetic medication that has the active substance Palonosetron.

This injectable drug is indicated for nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, used to treat cancer.

Onicit indications (What is it for)

Nausea; vomiting.

Onicit price

The Onicit bottle with 0.25mg / ml, injectable of 5ml can cost approximately 289 reais.

Side effects of Onicit

Constipation; Headache.

Contraindications of Onicit

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Onicit (Posology)

Injectable Use


  • Administer 0.25 mg of Onicit. It is not recommended to repeat the dose within 7 days.