Home Bulls Osteoform



Osteoform is a medicine that contains in its composition Alendronate sodium, a substance that prevents the action of bone cells responsible for destroying bone tissue, known as osteoclasts.

Osteoform is produced by Sigma Pharma laboratories and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in the form of tablets that must be taken on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before eating.

Osteoform Price

The price of Osteoform is approximately 40 reais, however the amount may vary according to the dosage and the number of pills in the product box.

Osteoform indications

Osteoform is indicated for the treatment of osteoporosis, in women after menopause or men, preventing the appearance of fractures.

How to use Osteoform

How to use Osteoform consists of taking a 10 mg tablet daily or taking a 70 mg tablet once a week.

The tablets should be taken on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before eating or drinking and after taking the medicine it is recommended to avoid lying down for 30 minutes, as it reduces its absorption.

Osteoform side effects

The main side effects of Osteoform include nausea, vomiting, dark stools, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, swelling in the joints and muscle pain.

Osteoform contraindications

Osteoform is contraindicated for children, pregnant women or patients with disorders in the esophagus, calcium deficiency in the blood or hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formula.
