Home Bulls Osteoplus



Osteoplus is an anti-osteoporosis medication that has Ipriflavone as its active substance.

This medication for oral use reduces the pain caused by osteoporosis, as its action inhibits the loss of bone mass mainly in women in the menopause phase. Its absorption is fast and the pain seems to regress in the first weeks of treatment.

Osteoplus indications

Osteoporosis (post-menopause).

Osteoplus Price

The 300 mg Osteoplus box with 30 tablets can cost between 75 and 95 reais.

Side effects of Osteoplus

Liver problems; increased nitrogen in the blood; diarrhea; stomach ache; nausea; vomiting; decrease in red or white blood cells; itch; rash on the skin; vertigo; dizziness.

Contraindications for Osteoplus

Pregnant or lactating women; active gastric or duodenal ulcer; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Osteoplus

Oral use


  • Administer 300 mg of Osteoplus 2 times a day, every 12 hours.