Home Bulls Ovidrel



Ovidrel is a drug indicated for the treatment of infertility that is composed of a substance called alpha-choriogonadotropin. This is a gonadotropin-like substance found naturally in a woman's body during pregnancy, and which is related to reproduction and fertility.

Ovidrel is produced by the Merck laboratory and is sold in a ready-to-use pre-filled syringe containing 250 micrograms of alpha-choriogonadotropin in 0.5 ml of solution.

Ovidrel indications

Treatment for infertility in women. This medication can be indicated to induce ovulation in women who are unable to ovulate and to help develop and mature follicles in women who are undergoing treatment for pregnancy such as IVF.

Ovidrel Price

The price of Ovidrel is approximately 400 reais.

How to use Ovidrel

Apply the contents of a syringe, up to 48 hours after ovulation, or according to medical guidelines.

Side effects of Ovidrel

The side effects of Ovidrel can be: tiredness, headache, nausea, vomiting, reaction at the injection site.

The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome was also can occur and results from the increase in the size of the ovary. The first symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome are: pain in the lower abdomen and, sometimes, nausea, vomiting and weight gain. In the event of these symptoms, consult a doctor.

Contraindications for Ovidrel

Ovidrel should not be used in:

  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding; Women who have an enlarged ovary, large ovarian cysts or unexplained vaginal bleeding; Patients with ovarian, uterine, breast or tumors in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland; Patients with severe inflammation of the veins, problems clotting or in case of allergy to the drug or similar ingredients contained in Ovidrel.

Before starting treatment, the couple should go to the doctor to study and clarify the causes of the couple's infertility.
