Home Bulls Pacemaker



The pacemaker is a type of device that is implanted in the heart capable of regulating the heartbeat. It is indicated for people who suffer from diseases that generate cardiac arrhythmia, such as bradycardia and tachycardia.

In bradycardia the heart beats more slowly than it should, here the pacemaker or pacemaker, as it is also known, comes into action and increases the heart rate. In tachycardia, on the other hand, the heart beats faster and the pacemaker is useful to regulate these beats, making them more uniform.

To place the pacemaker, surgery is necessary and these patients must take special care, such as avoiding using the cell phone in the left pocket of the shirt and always carrying a document that proves its use, as the doors with metal detectors will always be activated pacemaker.

People who have a pacemaker on their chest can lead a normal life and even engage in physical activity. The pacemaker lasts for 5 years, and it is necessary to change it through another surgery.
