Home Bulls Pancuron (pancuronium): what it is for and how to use it

Pancuron (pancuronium): what it is for and how to use it


Pancuron has in its composition pancuronium bromide, which acts as a muscle relaxant, being used as an aid to general anesthesia to facilitate tracheal intubation and to relax muscles in order to facilitate the execution of medium and long-term surgical procedures.

This medicine is available as an injection and is for hospital use only, and can only be used by health professionals.

What is it for

Pancuronium is indicated to complement general anesthesia in medium and long-term surgeries, being a muscle relaxant that acts on the neuromuscular junction, being useful to facilitate tracheal intubation and promote relaxation of skeletal muscles during medium and long-term surgical procedures..

This remedy is indicated for the following patients:

  • Hypoxemics that resist mechanical ventilation and cardiovascular instability, when the use of sedatives is prohibited; Suffer from severe bronchospasm that does not respond to conventional therapy; With severe tetanus or intoxication, which are cases in which muscle spasm prohibits adequate ventilation; In a state mal-epileptic, unable to maintain their own ventilation; with tremors in which the metabolic oxygen demand must be reduced.

How to use

The dosage of Pancuron must be individualized for each person. The administration of the injectable must be performed in the vein, by a health professional.

Possible side effects

Side effects of Pancuron are very rare, however, there may occasionally be respiratory failure or arrest, cardiovascular disorders, changes in the eyes and allergic reactions.

Who should not use

Pancuron is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to any component of the formula, people with myasthenia gravis or pregnant women.

Pancuron (pancuronium): what it is for and how to use it