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What is hydroxychloroquine used for


Hydroxychloroquine is a drug indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, dermatological and rheumatic conditions and also for the treatment of malaria.

This active substance is sold commercially under the names Plaquinol or Reuquinol, and can be purchased in pharmacies for a price of about 65 to 85 reais, upon presentation of a prescription.

How to use

The dosage of hydroxychloroquine depends on the problem to be treated:

1. Systemic and discoid lupus erythematosus

The initial dose of hydroxychloroquine is 400 to 800 mg per day and the maintenance dose is 200 to 400 mg per day. Learn what lupus erythematosus is.

2. Rheumatoid and juvenile arthritis

The starting dose is 400 to 600 mg per day and the maintenance dose is 200 to 400 mg per day. Find out what the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are and how the treatment is done.

The dosage for juvenile chronic arthritis should not exceed 6.5 mg / kg of weight per day, up to a maximum daily dose of 400 mg.

3. Photosensitive diseases

The recommended dose is 400 mg / day at the start and then reduced to 200 mg a day. Ideally, treatment should start a few days before sun exposure.

4. Malaria

  • Suppressive treatment: In adults, the recommended dose is 400 mg weekly and in children it is 6.5 mg / kg body weight weekly. Treatment should be started 2 weeks before exposure or, if this is not possible, an initial dose of 800 mg in adults and 12.9 mg / kg in children may be necessary, divided into two doses, with 6 hours of treatment. interval. Treatment should continue for 8 weeks after leaving the endemic area. Treatment of acute crisis: In adults, the initial dose is 800 mg followed by 400 mg after 6 to 8 hours and 400 mg daily for 2 consecutive days or, alternatively, a single dose of 800 mg can be taken. In children, a first dose of 12.9 mg / kg and a second dose of 6.5 mg / kg should be administered six hours after the first dose, a third dose of 6.5 mg / kg 18 hours after the second dose and a fourth dose of 6.5 mg / kg, 24 hours after the third dose.

Who should not use

Hydroxychloroquine should not be used by people who are hypersensitive to any of the components in the formula, with pre-existing retinopathies or who are under 6 years of age.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that may occur with the use of this medication are anorexia, headache, vision disorders, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, rash and itching.

What is hydroxychloroquine used for