Home Bulls What is evening primrose oil for and how to use

What is evening primrose oil for and how to use


Evening primrose oil supplement, also known as evening primrose oil, is a formula that benefits skin, heart and inflammatory diseases due to its high content of linoleic acid. To enhance its effects, it is recommended that evening primrose oil is consumed together with small doses of vitamin E, improving its absorption.

This oil is extracted from the seeds of the Oenothera biennis plant and can be found in natural products stores in the form of capsules or oil, and can cost between R $ 15 and R $ 30.00.

What is it for

Evening primrose oil is rich in omega-6, so it has anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating properties, for example. Thus, evening primrose oil can be indicated for:

  • Assist in the treatment of high blood pressure; Decrease circulating cholesterol levels; Prevent thrombosis; Prevent cardiovascular diseases; Assist in the treatment of skin problems such as acne, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis; Prevent hair loss; Relieve symptoms Lupus; Assist in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, evening primrose oil is widely used by women with the aim of relieving PMS and menopause symptoms, such as colic, breast pain and irritability, for example.

How to use

The use of evening primrose oil should be consumed as directed by a doctor and can be taken with water or juice after meals. The amount and time of use of this oil is determined by the doctor according to the purpose of the intake, however in the case of being used in order to reduce the symptoms of PMS, for example, it may be recommended to take 1 g of evening primrose for 60 days and from the 61st day, take only 500 mg per day for 10 days before menstruation, for example.

Side effects and contraindications

Usually the consumption of evening primrose oil does not cause side effects, but some people may report headache, abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhea, for example.

Evening primrose oil is contraindicated in individuals allergic to plants of the onagraceous family, such as evening primrose, or to gamma-linolenic acid.

Caution is advised in the use of Evening Primrose Oil when taken in conjunction with medications for the treatment of mental illnesses, such as chloropromazine (Thorazine ®), thioridazine (Mellaril ®), trifluoperazine (Stelazine ®), fluphenazine (Prolixin ®), because they increase the risk of seizures.

What is evening primrose oil for and how to use