Home Bulls What is omcilon orabase used for

What is omcilon orabase used for


Omcilon Orabase is a paste that contains triamcinolone acetonide, indicated for auxiliary treatment and for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with inflammatory lesions and oral ulcerative lesions resulting from lesions and thrush in the mouth.

This medicine can be purchased in pharmacies for a price of about 15 reais.

How to use

This medication should be applied in a small amount, directly to the lesion, without rubbing, until a thin film is formed. To improve the result, the amount used should be just enough to cover the injury.

The paste should be applied preferably at night, before sleeping, so that it exerts its effect during the night and depending on the severity of the symptoms, it can be applied 2 to 3 times a day, preferably after meals. If after 7 days no significant results are obtained, it is advisable to consult the doctor.

Who should not use

This remedy should not be used by people with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the components present in the formula or in cases of fungal, viral or bacterial infections of the mouth or throat.

In addition, it should also not be used in pregnant women without medical advice.

Possible side effects

Prolonged administration of Omcilon A Orobase can cause adverse reactions such as adrenal suppression, impaired glucose metabolism, protein catabolism, peptic ulcer activations and others. However, these effects disappear at the end of treatment.

What is omcilon orabase used for