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What is pancreatin for?


Pancreatin is a medicine known commercially as Creon.

This medicine consists of a pancreatic enzyme that is indicated for cases of pancreatic insufficiency and cystic fibrosis, as it helps the body to better absorb nutrients and prevent the lack of vitamins and the appearance of other diseases.

Pancreatin in capsules


This medicine is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as pancreatic insufficiency and cystic fibrosis or after gastrectomy surgery.

How to use

The capsules must be taken whole, with the aid of liquid; do not crush or chew the capsules.

Children under 4 years of age

  • Administer 1, 000 U of Pancreatin per kg of weight per meal.

Children over 4 years old

  • At 500 U of Pancreatin per kg of weight per meal.

Other disorders of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

  • Doses should be adapted depending on the degree of malabsorption and fat content of meals. It generally ranges from 20, 000 U to 50, 000 U of pancreatin per meal.

Side effects

Pancreatin can cause some side effects like colic, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.

Who should not take

Pancreatin is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, and also in case of allergy to swine protein or pancreatin; acute pancreatitis; chronic pancreatic disease; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

What is pancreatin for?