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How shockwave therapy works and contraindications


Shock wave therapy is a non-invasive form of treatment that uses a device, which sends sound waves through the body, to relieve some types of inflammation and to stimulate the growth and repair of various types of injuries, especially at the muscle or bone level..

Thus, shockwave treatment can be used to speed recovery or relieve pain in the case of chronic inflammations such as tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, bursitis or elbow epicondylitis, for example.

Although it has good results to relieve symptoms, shockwave therapy does not always cure the problem, especially when it involves changes in the bone, such as the spur, and surgery may be necessary.

Price and where to do it

The price of shockwave treatment is approximately 800 reais and can only be done in private clinics, not yet available at SUS.

How it works

Shock wave therapy is practically painless, however, the technician can use an anesthetic ointment to numb the region to be treated, in order to relieve any discomfort caused by the device.

During the procedure, the person must be in a comfortable position that allows the professional to arrive well at the place to be treated. Then, the technician passes a gel and the device through the skin, around the region, for about 18 minutes. This device produces shock waves that penetrate the skin and bring benefits such as:

  • Reduce inflammation at the site: which allows relief from swelling and local pain; Stimulate the formation of new blood vessels: facilitates the repair of the lesion, as it increases the amount of blood and oxygen in the region; Increase collagen production: which is important for maintaining the repair of muscles, bones and tendons.

In addition, this method also reduces the amount of substance P at the site, which is an element that is present in large concentrations in cases of chronic pain.

In most cases, it takes 3 to 10 sessions of 5 to 20 minutes to completely end the pain and repair the injury and the person can return home immediately after treatment, without the need for special care.

Who should not do

This type of treatment is very safe and, therefore, there are no contraindications. However, one should avoid using shock waves over places such as the lungs, eyes or brain.

In addition, it should also be avoided in the belly area in pregnant women or over cancer sites, as it can stimulate tumor growth.

How shockwave therapy works and contraindications