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Steps to hydrate, moisturize or reconstruct hair


The best way to make an excellent hydration and keep your hair soft, without volume, without frizz and shine is to use the creams and masks that the hair really needs.

An excellent way to know if your hair is in need of hydration, moistening or capillary reconstruction is to do the test by placing the hair in a glass of water as shown in the following image:

After doing this test, you should offer exactly what your hair needs.

How to do hydration

  • To wash: prefer unsalted, neutral or transparent shampoo and rub the scalp mainly, leaving the foam only to run through the hair. To moisturize: Next, apply a moisturizing mask or massage cream that has ingredients such as honey, egg, chocolate and vitamins. The mask should remain on the hair for about 10 minutes and if it is possible to cover the head with a cap the product heats up on the hair and the results are even better. Then just rinse and finish as you prefer, either letting it dry naturally or using a finisher and hair dryer, followed by a straightener, for example. Frequency: 1 or 2 times a week, for those who wash their hair up to 3 times a week, who wash every day, you can choose to add 1 more day of hydration or alternate with a moisturizer. This frequency is not high and does not weigh on the wires.

How to wet

  • To wash: use pearly shampoo, suitable for dry or damaged hair, use a small amount but ensure that all hairs are clean. To moisturize: then apply a mask or massage cream containing oil or butter added as shea butter, macadamia oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive, argan oil. Adding these ingredients to the cream you used to hydrate is also a good idea. Leave on for up to 20 minutes with a cap on the head. Frequency: do it a maximum of 2 times a week, even if you wash your hair daily. Those with oily hair should only apply the product after 10 cm from the root, and if they have short hair, only at the ends.

How to do reconstruction

  • To wash: use shampoo for deep cleaning, without salt. To rebuild: add 1 vial of keratin for each 1 tablespoon of massage cream or use cream that already has proteins such as keratin, creatine, arginine, cysteine, collagen, amino acids, in its ingredients. Sometimes product labels have the information that it is for replacing capillary mass. Leave to act for 20 minutes, with a cap and then rinse. Frequency: use a maximum of 2 times a month because the excess of keratin makes the hair brittle.

The best way to ensure that your hair gets exactly what it needs is to test it frequently, but following the capillary schedule is also a great way to achieve beautiful, hydrated hair even if you are using hair chemistry. Here's how to make a capillary schedule and more product examples.

Steps to hydrate, moisturize or reconstruct hair