Home Bulls Hydrogel ointment for wounds

Hydrogel ointment for wounds


Hydrogel is a sterile gel used in the treatment of wounds, as it promotes the removal of dead tissue and promotes hydration, healing and skin protection. In addition, the Hydrogel relieves the patient's pain at the wound site, as it moistens the exposed nerve endings.

Hydrogel can be produced by the LM Farma laboratory under the name Curatec Hidrogel, in the form of an ointment or dressing, but it can also be sold by other laboratories with other names, such as Askina Gel, in the form of an ointment, from Braun laboratory.

Hydrogel Price

The price of the Hydrogel varies between 20 to 50 reais, for each dressing or ointment, but the price may still vary according to the laboratory.

Hydrogel Indications

Hydrogel is indicated for the treatment of:

  • Wounds with granulation tissue; Venous, arterial and pressure ulcers; Small degree second degree burns; Wounds with partial or total loss of tissues; Post-trauma areas.

Hydrogel is indicated in these cases because it promotes the removal of dead tissue from the wound and stimulates healing.

How to use the Hydrogel

Hydrogel should be applied to the wound, after cleaning the skin, within a maximum of 3 days. However, the application of Hydrogel and the frequency of changing dressings should be made and decided, preferably, by a nurse.

The Hydrogel in the form of a dressing is for single use, and should not be reused and, therefore, should be thrown in the trash after changing the dressing.

Hydrogel Side Effects

There are no side effects of Hydrogel mentioned in the package insert.

Contraindications of Hydrogel

Hydrogel is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the gel or other components of the formula.

Hydrogel can also be sold with Alginate, being used to treat wounds of any kind, whether they are infected or not, such as venous, arterial and pressure ulcers, second degree burns, abrasions and lacerations.

In addition, there is also a hydrogel for aesthetic purposes, different from this hydrogel for treating wounds, which serves to increase the butt, thighs and breasts and smooth out wrinkles and expression lines. Learn more at: Hydrogel for aesthetic purposes.

See also what foods to eat to speed wound healing at: Healing foods.

Hydrogel ointment for wounds