Home Bulls Nystadine ointment + zinc oxide

Nystadine ointment + zinc oxide


The ointment containing Nistadine + Zinc Oxide is used for the treatment and prevention of diaper rash because it has an antiseptic, drying and anti-inflammatory action, which facilitates the healing process on the skin.

This substance combination is present in ointments such as Hipoglós, Hiposan and Minancora, for example, but as it is produced by several pharmaceutical laboratories, there are several generic options with this active ingredient.


Nistadine + Zinc Oxide ointment is indicated for the treatment of mild burns, diaper rash, eczema, impetigo, psoriasis, mild skin irritation and excoriation.


The price varies between 8 and 30 reais, depending on the composition of the ointment and dosage.

How to use

It consists in the application of a small amount of ointment or cream on the injured skin, without the need for the entire region to become very white, it is enough to note that the substance covered the entire desired region, protecting the skin.

Side effects

There are no records of side effects.


It is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any component of the formula.

Nystadine ointment + zinc oxide