Home Pregnancy Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? (and other common questions)

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? (and other common questions)


It is possible to get pregnant while you are breastfeeding, so it is recommended to return to using the birth control pill 15 days after delivery. Not using any contraceptive method when breastfeeding is not very safe, as there are data that about 2 to 15% of women get pregnant this way.

Supposedly, during exclusive breastfeeding, which happens on free demand, that is, whenever a baby wishes, ovulation is "prevented" by the stimulus of milk sucking. But for the method to really work it is necessary that the stimulus of the sucking made by the baby is done with intensity and very often. This means that breastfeeding should be done, day and night, that is, without controlling the schedules, which is not always possible and the effectiveness of breastfeeding as a contraceptive method is compromised, being discouraged.

Find out which contraceptive methods you can choose after delivery.

Other common breastfeeding concerns

Is breastfeeding during pregnancy bad for you?

No. It is possible to continue breastfeeding an older child while she is pregnant again, without any contraindications. However, it is not indicated that the woman can breastfeed another child that is not her own child.

Does getting pregnant while breastfeeding decrease milk?

No. There is no evidence that if a woman becomes pregnant while breastfeeding an older child, her milk will decrease, however, if she becomes more tired or emotionally drained, this can lead to a decrease in breast milk, especially if she does not drink fluids or get enough rest.

Does getting pregnant breastfeeding increase milk?

No. The simple fact that the woman is pregnant again will not increase milk production, but if the woman drinks more water and gets enough rest there may be an increase in production. Thus, if the woman feels more sleepy, which is common in early pregnancy, and is able to rest, an increase in breast milk may be noticed, but not necessarily because she is pregnant again.

Is it possible to get pregnant by breastfeeding and taking contraceptives at the same time?

Yes. As long as the woman has not taken the contraceptive correctly, there is a risk of becoming pregnant while breastfeeding. Just forget to take the pill at the right time to decrease its effectiveness, and since the pills for breastfeeding (Cerazette, Nactali) have a shorter tolerance time of only 3 hours, it is common for forgetting to take the pill at time can lead to a new pregnancy. Other situations that decrease the effectiveness of the pill here.

Does breastfeeding harm the developing baby?

No. During breastfeeding, oxytocin is released into the woman's bloodstream, the same hormone, which causes uterine contractions that give birth to birth. However, when a woman breastfeeds the oxytocin released into the blood, she is unable to act on the uterus, which is why it does not contract, and is not harmful to the new baby that is forming.

Is it possible to breastfeed 2 babies of different ages?

Yes. There is no absolute contraindication for the mother not to breastfeed her 2 children at the same time, but this can be very tiring for the mother. Therefore, it is recommended to wean the oldest baby, if he is already 2 years old. Check out some tips that can help end breastfeeding, without trauma or jealousy.

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? (and other common questions)