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Foamy urine: causes and treatments


Foamy urine is generally not a sign of health problems, and more often a person does not go to the bathroom when he feels like it, peeing up, or when he urinates too hard. In addition, it can happen due to the presence of cleaning products in the toilet, for example, which end up reacting with urine and forming foam.

However, in cases where the foam appears very often, it can also indicate the presence of proteins in the urine which can happen due to problems like kidney stones or decompensated high pressure. In these cases, it is very important to consult a urologist to assess the cause and guide the most appropriate treatment. See other changes in urine that may indicate health problems.

Foamy urine is not a sign of pregnancy, but it may indicate that the pregnant woman has pre-eclampsia, which is a complication that can lead to seizures or coma when left untreated.

6 Common causes of foamy urine

Foaming urine can have several causes such as:

1. Urinating too hard

When the bladder is very full and you do not go to the bathroom right away, when the urine is released it can come out very strongly and form foam. However, this type of foam usually disappears in a few minutes and is not indicative of serious problems.

What to do: A good way to find out if the foam was formed by the urine flow too fast or strong, is to leave the pee in the pot for a few minutes before flushing. If the foam disappears after a few minutes, no treatment is necessary.

However, it is recommended that the pee is not insured and that you go to the bathroom whenever you feel like it, as the accumulation of urine can increase the chances of urinary tract infection, kidney stones and urinary incontinence, for example. Understand why you should not hold the pee.

2. Cleaning products in the toilet

Some cleaning products used in the toilet can react with urine and foam, not indicating any kind of health problem.

What to do: A good way to know if it is the cleaning product that is causing the foamy urine is to pee in a clean container. If it does not foam, it is probably the product, but if it does foam it is necessary to go to the doctor to assess the cause of foamy urine.

3. Dehydration

When you drink little water or exercise a lot in a row, you can become dehydrated, so your urine is more concentrated and foamy. In addition, the urine is darker in color and may smell stronger. See other signs that can help confirm possible dehydration.

What to do: If you suspect that the foam has arisen from dehydration, you should drink about 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day and drink even more water when exercising.

4. Presence of proteins in the urine

One of the main causes of foamy urine is the presence of proteins in the urine. Excess protein can occur after intense physical exercise, excessive intake of protein supplements or can be indicative of kidney problems, untreated high blood pressure and diabetes, for example.

What to do: The presence of proteins in the urine can be detected by examining simple urine, which is done by collecting the second stream of urine and sent to the laboratory for analysis. If the presence of proteins is verified by this test, the doctor may recommend performing a 24-hour urine test to check the amount of protein released into the urine during the day.

In addition, the doctor checks the relationship between albumin and creatinine, for example, to see if the cause is abnormal kidney function, for example, in addition to other tests that may indicate hypertension or diabetes, for example.

5. Urinary infection

A urinary tract infection can cause foamy urine when bacteria enter the bladder. In addition to foamy urine, other symptoms are usually associated with painful or burning urination, frequent urination and blood in the urine. Take our online test to find out if you may have a urinary tract infection.

What to do: In order to confirm urinary tract infection, it is recommended that a urine test and urine culture be performed, which is the test that aims to identify which bacteria are responsible for the infection and indicate the best antibiotic that can be indicated by the doctor for treatment.

6. Kidney problems

The kidneys have the function of filtering the blood, resulting in the production of urine that is then eliminated from the body. Any disease or problem that affects the kidneys, such as kidney infection, kidney failure, high blood pressure or kidney stones, for example, can cause foamy urine. See 11 other symptoms that may indicate kidney problems.

What to do: If there is a suspicion of a change in the kidneys, you should go to the nephrologist to do tests and identify the cause, starting the most appropriate treatment.

In addition to these causes, aurina with foam in men can also be caused by the presence of semen in the urine. After intimate contact, small amounts of semen can stay in the urethra and go to the bladder when it is malfunctioning, causing foamy urine. This situation must be evaluated and treated by the urologist.

Can foamy urine be pregnancy?

Foamy urine is not a sign of pregnancy, however, if the woman is pregnant, foamy urine may indicate the presence of proteins in the urine, which may be a sign of pre-eclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure, presence of proteins in the urine and swelling of the body that, when left untreated, can cause seizures and put the baby at risk. Understand what preeclampsia is and how treatment is done.

Foamy urine: causes and treatments