Home Bulls 6 Main causes of burning nose (and what to do)

6 Main causes of burning nose (and what to do)


The burning sensation of the nose can be caused by several factors, such as climatic changes, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and even menopause. The burning nose is usually not serious, but it can cause discomfort for the person. In addition, if the burning sensation is accompanied by fever, dizziness or nasal bleeding, it is recommended to go to the doctor, so that the correct diagnosis can be made.

The nose is responsible for heating and filtering the air, preventing the entry of microorganisms and polluting substances, such as dust, for example. Thus, the nose corresponds to one of the body's defense barriers, however some situations can dry out the mucosa of the nose and cause a burning or burning sensation. The 6 main causes of burning in the nose are:

1. Climate change

Dry weather is the main cause of burning of the nose. That's because too hot or dry air dries out the airways, which makes the person feel their nose burn when they breathe, for example.

In addition to dry weather, being exposed to air conditioning for a long time can dry out the mucosa and lead to a burning nose.

What to do: One of the ways to avoid burning your nose caused by dry weather is to place a bowl of water in the room, as it helps to make the air a little moist. In addition, it is important to drink plenty of water and do nasal washing with 0.9% saline. See how to do the nasal wash.

2. Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by the presence of irritating substances, such as dust, pollen, animal hair or feathers, perfume or disinfectants, for example. These substances cause irritation of the mucosa, leading to a runny and itchy nose, in addition to causing a burning sensation. Find out what causes allergic rhinitis and how treatment is done.

What to do: To avoid allergic rhinitis, it is important to clean the house thoroughly, identify the causative agent of the allergy and avoid it. In more severe cases, the allergist may recommend the use of antihistamine drugs or antiallergic vaccines.

3. Sinusitis

Sinusitis is inflammation of the nasal sinuses characterized by headache, a feeling of heaviness in the face, a runny nose and, consequently, a burning nose. Sinusitis can be caused by both viruses of the genus Influenzae and bacteria, and it is important to identify the infectious agent so that the treatment established by the doctor is effective.

What to do: The treatment for sinusitis is defined by the doctor according to its cause: antibiotics, when caused by bacteria, or anti-flu, when caused by viruses. In addition, nasal decongestants can be used to relieve the feeling of heaviness in the head. Understand what sinusitis is and how to treat it.

4. Flu and cold

Both the flu and the cold can cause burning of the nose, because of the irritation of the mucosa by the presence of viruses in the airway, sneezing and runny nose. Know the difference between flu and cold.

What to do: To combat both the flu and the cold, it may be indicated to take medication to relieve symptoms, such as Paracetamol, in addition to drinking plenty of fluids, such as juices and water.

5. Medicines

Some drugs have as a side effect the dryness of the nasal mucosa, such as nasal sprays or decongestants. Some sprays have substances that can irritate the nose, which can increase susceptibility to infections, for example.

What to do: If the burning sensation in the nose is related to the use of medications, it is important to go to the doctor to have the medication suspended and replaced. In the case of nasal decongestants, the doctor may recommend the use of one that does not have chemical substances that cause irritation.

6. Sjogren's syndrome

Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease caused by inflammation of various glands in the body, leading to dryness of the mouth, eyes and, more rarely, the nose. See how to identify and diagnose Sjogren's syndrome.

What to do: As soon as symptoms appear, such as dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, difficulty speaking, dry eyes and sensitivity to light it is important to consult the rheumatologist to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment.

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to go to the doctor when the burning in the nose lasts more than a week and when other symptoms appear, such as:

  • Difficulty breathing; Headache; Sore throat; Bleeding nose; Fainting; Dizziness; Fever.

In addition, if there is dryness of mucous membranes, such as that of the mouth, eyes and genitals, it is important to consult the doctor, as it may be more serious diseases, such as Sjogren's syndrome, for example.

6 Main causes of burning nose (and what to do)