

PMS, or premenstrual tension, is a very common situation in women of reproductive age and occurs due to normal hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle, and is characterized by the appearance of physical and psychological symptoms 5 to 10 days before menstruation that can interfere in women's quality of life. The most characteristic symptoms of PMS are nausea, irritability, fatigue and abdominal swelling, but the intensity varies according to each woman, which also influences the treatment indicated by the gynecologist.

The symptoms of PMS disappear in the first days of the cycle or when menopause begins. In addition, scientific studies have already shown that there is a correlation of PMS symptoms between mothers and daughters and between sisters. The diagnosis is made by the gynecologist exclusively from the analysis of the symptoms, both physical and psychological.

PMS causes many doubts in men, often because they suffer from the woman's irritability and think that the symptoms are nothing more than drama, which is not true. Know what every man should know about PMS.

The main physical and psychological symptoms of PMS are:

Physical Symptoms Psychological Symptoms
Nausea and vomiting Bad mood
Abdominal swelling and pain Irritability
Sleep and decreased sexual desire Anguish
Constipation or diarrhea Tiredness
Acne or worsening of skin problems Insomnia
Headache or migraine Depression
Dizziness and fainting Crying Attacks
Tinnitus sensation Nervousness
Swelling in the legs and weight gain Emotional sensitivity
Sore breasts Difficulty concentrating
Changes in appetite Anxiety
Increased allergies and flu Low self esteem

In the most serious cases, PMS can impair daily activities, such as missing work, making decisions based on personal feelings or being aggressive towards people close to you. In these cases, it is recommended to seek a gynecologist to initiate the appropriate treatment, which reduces the changes experienced in this phase of the menstrual cycle. In addition, some medicinal plants such as St. John's wort can help relieve these symptoms. See what are the medicinal properties of the herb of St. Kitts.

How to relieve

To alleviate lighter PMS, physical activity should be performed regularly to relieve the sensations of pain, tension and anxiety, as exercise releases hormones that provide a feeling of well-being, improves intestinal transit and reduces tiredness. In addition, it is important to have a diet with little caffeine and salt, as they can make symptoms worse. In the most severe cases, the use of contraceptives can help to reduce symptoms, but the use of antidepressant medications may also be necessary. Learn how to treat and relieve PMS symptoms.

Watch the video below for tips on what to eat to relieve PMS.
