In most cases, gestational diabetes does not cause any signs or symptoms, being only diagnosed when the pregnant woman performs routine tests, such as glucose measurement, for example, in order to monitor the pregnancy. However, in some cases the woman may have some typical symptoms of diabetes, such as excessive thirst, tiredness. increased frequency of urination and recurrent urinary infections.
Gestational diabetes happens more easily in women who have a history of diabetes, are overweight, use hypoglycemic drugs or have hypertension, for example.
Main symptoms of gestational diabetes
Often gestational diabetes does not cause signs or symptoms, being identified only during routine examinations. In other cases, the signs and symptoms of gestational diabetes can be very mild and not be considered by the pregnant woman, the main ones being:
- Excessive weight gain in pregnant or baby; Excessive appetite increase; Excessive tiredness; Frequent urination; Blurred vision; Very thirsty; Dry mouth; Nausea; Frequent infections of the bladder, vagina or skin.
Not all pregnant women develop gestational diabetes. For this condition to happen, it is usually necessary for the woman to have some risk factor for the development of the disease, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, high blood pressure, use of hypoglycemic drugs, overweight, gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy and family history.
How the diagnosis is made
The diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made by means of blood tests to check the amount of glucose circulating in the blood, and the first assessment must be done on an empty stomach. Even if the woman does not show signs or symptoms indicative of gestational diabetes, the diagnostic examination must be performed.
In addition to the fasting blood glucose test, the doctor must indicate the glucose tolerance test, the TOTG, in which the body's response to large amounts of sugar is checked. See what are the reference values of the tests that diagnose gestational diabetes.
How to treat gestational diabetes
Usually the treatment of gestational diabetes is done with food control and regular physical exercise, but sometimes the doctor may prescribe oral hypoglycemic agents or even insulin, if it is difficult to keep blood glucose under control. It is important that the diagnosis and treatment for gestational diabetes be made quickly, as this way it is possible to reduce the occurrence of risks for mother and baby. Understand how treatment for gestational diabetes should be done.
A good example of what you can eat in gestational diabetes is an apple accompanied by a salt and water cracker or cornstarch, as this combination has a low glycemic index. However, a nutritionist may recommend a suitable diet for gestational diabetes. More information about feeding in the video: