Home Symptoms Main symptoms of elephantiasis

Main symptoms of elephantiasis


Elephantiasis is mainly characterized by swelling of the lower limbs, in addition to muscle pain, fever, malaise and the appearance of red spots on the leg, for example. Symptoms can take months to appear, however, in case of suspicion, it is important to go to the emergency room so that tests can be done that can identify the agent responsible for the disease.

This disease is mainly caused by the bite of the mosquito of the genus Culex , but it can also be transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Mansonia , Aedes and Anopheles , common in regions of humid climate and high temperatures.

Symptoms of elephantiasis

Elephantiasis is characterized by chronic inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and, consequently, swelling of the lower limbs, especially legs and scrotum, in the case of men. Elephantiasis is a clinical and irreversible manifestation of filariasis, whose main symptoms are:

  • Pain without apparent cause of the affected region, which may be legs, scrotum, breasts and arms, more rarely; Swelling in the groin; Chills; Fever; Malaise; Muscle pain; Reddish spots on the leg and scrotum; Increased volume on the affected limb and skin roughness, urine with a milky appearance and blood.

In the most severe cases, there may still be destruction of the lymph nodes, requiring surgery to repair them. The severity of symptoms varies according to the person's age and the amount of parasite circulating in the body. Learn all about elephantiasis.

How transmission occurs and how to prevent

Transmission occurs when the infected Culex quinquefasciatus female bites the person, thus depositing the parasite's infective larvae. Understand what the filariasis cycle is like.

As the transmission of the disease happens only and exclusively through the mosquito bite, it is important to adopt measures that avoid the mosquito bite, such as using repellent, placing screens on windows and doors, using musketeers to sleep and avoid leaving standing water, for example.

Main symptoms of elephantiasis