Home Symptoms Fertilization: 5 first symptoms that happened

Fertilization: 5 first symptoms that happened


Fertilization symptoms, such as abdominal pain and pink discharge, are felt when the formed embryo is attached to the woman's uterus wall, where it will develop during pregnancy.

Usually these signs are subtle and, therefore, many women do not notice them, but the first sign to be aware of is the appearance of a small light pink bleeding, which appears until the 3rd day after intimate contact.

How to know if there was fertilization

For fertilization to occur and, consequently, pregnancy, a viable sperm needs to find an egg, and the woman must be in the fertile period. The eggs remain viable 12 to 24 hours on their way to the uterus, while the sperm survive between 48 and 72 hours.

Fertilization symptoms are not always present, but some may show signs of fertilization, the main ones being:

  1. Mild abdominal colic on the 6th or 7th day after the fertile period; Slight pink discharge after 10 to 12 days of the fertile period; Tiredness and drowsiness; Light and persistent headache; Swollen and painful breasts.

After about 4 weeks of fertilization, the first symptoms of pregnancy begin to appear, which are usually morning sickness and delayed menstruation. See what are the first 10 symptoms of pregnancy.

To know how to detect the first signs of pregnancy it is important to know the date of ovulation, so get tested and know when your next fertile period will be:

How to confirm pregnancy

To detect pregnancy, you can first take the pharmacy test and, in case of a positive result, the pregnancy can be confirmed through a beta-HCG blood test, which can be done as soon as menstruation is delayed. See how pregnancy tests work.

In addition, another way to detect pregnancy is through an ultrasound exam, which can identify the presence of the embryo in the uterus and the baby's heartbeat. It is also important to remember that after confirming the pregnancy, one should go to the gynecologist and start prenatal care.

Fertilization: 5 first symptoms that happened