Home Symptoms Internal hemorrhoid: symptoms, causes and diagnosis

Internal hemorrhoid: symptoms, causes and diagnosis


Some signs that may indicate hemorrhoids include the presence of bright red blood in the stool or on toilet paper, severe pain during bowel movements and itching in the anus. The internal hemorrhoid is not visible because it is inside the anus, but when an effort is made during the evacuation, it can come out through the anus and become visible, and several protrusions in the anus can be noticed.

Internal hemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed and painful veins that can appear as a consequence of inadequate nutrition, constipation and a lot of force to evacuate, for example, favoring the formation of hemorrhoids and bleeding, which happens due to friction between the feces and anal varicosities.

Main symptoms

The main sign and symptom indicative of internal hemorrhoids is the presence of bright red blood in the stools, on toilet paper or in the toilet. Other signs and symptoms that are suggestive of internal hemorrhoids are:

  • Itching in the anus; Exit of mucus through the anus; Sensation of incomplete emptying of the rectum after evacuation; Weight in the anal region; Anal discomfort; Frequent desire to evacuate, even if there is no fecal content to eliminate; Appearance of a small lump in the anus during evacuation.

Unlike external hemorrhoids, this type of hemorrhoid does not cause pain during the day, because the anus does not have many nerves sensitive to pain. However, it is possible that there is difficulty and pain during the evacuation, in addition to the fact that, in some cases, the exit of the dilated veins through the anus can be verified, which may or may not return to the initial position spontaneously, featuring different degrees of internal hemorrhoid. Know the degrees of internal hemorrhoids.

Causes of internal hemorrhoids

The appearance of internal hemorrhoids is often related to the person's habits, such as poor fiber diet, frequent use of laxatives, habit of sitting on the toilet for a long time, smoking and physical inactivity. In addition, inadequate diet causes intestinal transit to be impaired, in addition to making the stools more dry, which makes it necessary for the person to use excessive force to evacuate, leading to the formation of hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids can also be related to local infections, be the result of chronic diarrhea or happen during pregnancy, which is very common due to the increase in body weight and pressure exerted in the pelvic region. Understand why hemorrhoids arise in pregnancy and how is the treatment.

How the diagnosis should be made

The diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids must be made by the gastroenterologist or by the proctologist through the proctological examination, in which the doctor will assess the anal region in order to identify any changes that are indicative of internal hemorrhoids. To perform the exam, the doctor indicates the position that the person should be in and then does the analysis of the anus, being indicated for the person to make an effort as if he is defecating, as it is thus possible to check for the presence of hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

In addition to the proctological examination, the doctor also assesses the symptoms presented and the person's history, especially with regard to eating habits and physical activity, because unhealthy eating and physical inactivity favor the appearance of hemorrhoids.

How to treat internal hemorrhoids

The treatment of internal hemorrhoids should be indicated by the doctor according to the degree of the hemorrhoid, and the use of glycerin suppositories may be recommended, to facilitate the elimination of feces, local analgesics, anti-inflammatories and a diet rich in fiber. See more details about the treatment for internal hemorrhoids.

However, sometimes internal hemorrhoids do not cause pain and there is no need to take anti-inflammatory or analgesic drugs, although the use of medicinal plants, such as witch hazel in sitz baths can help to reduce hemorrhoids.

Check out a good natural hemorrhoid treatment in the following video:

Internal hemorrhoid: symptoms, causes and diagnosis