Home Symptoms Climacteric symptoms: how to identify this phase

Climacteric symptoms: how to identify this phase


Climacteric symptoms start to appear between 40 and 45 years and can last up to 3 years, the main ones being hot flashes, irregular menstrual cycle, decreased libido, discomfort during sexual intercourse, joint pain, weight gain, loss skin elasticity, sudden changes in mood and headache.

The climacteric corresponds to the transition period between the woman's reproductive and non-reproductive phase, being marked by the progressive decrease in hormonal levels. Symptoms can be more or less intense according to the amount of hormones produced. Learn more about the climacteric.

Main symptoms of Climacteric

The first signs and symptoms of climacteric can begin until the age of 45 and mark the beginning of the end of the woman's reproductive phase, the main ones being:

  • Heat waves; Lack of sexual appetite; Irregular menstrual cycles; Dizziness and palpitations; Insomnia; Night sweats; Itching and vaginal dryness; Discomfort during sex; Osteoporosis; Loss of skin elasticity; Decreased breast size; Depression and irritability; Weight gain; Waking up often during at night; Headache and lack of concentration; Urinary tract infection; Urinary incontinence on exertion; Joint pain; Tooth loss; Cardiovascular diseases.

As in menopause irregular menstrual cycles can be observed, it can often be confused with menopause. However, it can only be considered menopause when the woman has not menstruated for at least 12 months, indicating that she has reached the non-reproductive phase.

How is the treatment

Climacteric treatment aims to relieve symptoms and improve the woman's quality of life. Therefore, the gynecologist can recommend the realization of hormone replacement therapy and change in diet, which should be guided by a nutritionist, so that the woman feels more willing and the symptoms of climacteric decrease. In addition, psychological support can also be useful at this stage, as well as regular physical exercise.

Climacteric symptoms: how to identify this phase