Home Bulls Scalp psoriasis: what it is and main treatments

Scalp psoriasis: what it is and main treatments


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, in which the body's defense cells attack the skin, leading to the appearance of blemishes. The scalp is a place where psoriasis spots appear more often, causing redness, flaking, itching, pain and hair loss.

Although there is no cure, psoriasis on the scalp can be treated with the use of shampoos, creams and medications that relieve symptoms, especially itching, and which should be guided by a dermatologist. One of the most used shampoos to treat this type of psoriasis is 0.05% clobetasol propionate.

Main symptoms

Scalp psoriasis causes symptoms such as:

  • Reddish and scaly lesions; Itching; Hair loss; Pain; Burning sensation.

In some cases, bleeding from the scalp may also occur, which is mainly caused by scratching your head. Some of these symptoms can also spread from the scalp to the ears, neck, neck or forehead.

Most used treatment options

Treatment for scalp psoriasis can vary from person to person, depending on the severity of the condition and the intensity of the symptoms. However, some of the most used forms of treatment include:

1. Shampoos

Shampoos for psoriasis on the scalp should be recommended by the dermatologist, as well as the amount of the product and the treatment time. Most of the time, these shampoos are used in conjunction with other medications, and are used to relieve itching and reduce the scaling of the scalp caused by psoriasis.

The shampoo containing 0.05% clobetasol propionate, is one of the most used for the treatment of psoriasis on the scalp. In addition, some shampoos based on vitamin D, tar, salicylic acid and immunosuppressants, such as tacrolimus, can also be indicated to treat this type of psoriasis.

When washing your hair with these shampoos it is necessary not to force the shells out of psoriasis, as this can cause bleeding and cause infections. It is recommended to apply the shampoo and wait a few minutes for the product to act, and then rinse with warm water to help soften the cones. Then you can comb your hair with a soft bristle brush.

2. Use of medicines

Some medications can be indicated by the doctor, because not only the use of shampoos improves the symptoms. Corticosteroids are the drugs indicated in most cases, as they reduce itching and inflammation, helping to reduce lesions on the scalp.

Immunosuppressants, such as cyclosporine, act on the immune system, reducing the action of defense cells against the skin, but are generally indicated in more severe cases. Other drugs used to treat people with scalp psoriasis in more advanced stages are methotrexate and oral retinoids.

3. Natural treatment

Despite not having a cure, psoriasis on the scalp manifests itself from time to time, being more frequent in times of greater stress. Therefore, it is important to have habits that help reduce stress, such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising and performing leisure activities. See what the diet should be like to reduce psoriasis attacks.

In addition, some people may experience bouts of anxiety and depression that worsen the symptoms of psoriasis, in which case it is recommended to follow up with a psychologist and / or psychiatrist, as anxiolytic drugs can help control psoriasis.

Some natural products can also help the treatment for psoriasis on the scalp, such as aloe-based ointments , which reduce redness and flaking. In addition, it is recommended to sunbathe at times of lower heat, as exposure to the sun can improve the lesions, in addition to raising the levels of vitamin D in the body, which also helps to fight psoriasis. Check out more about other natural remedies for psoriasis.

Possible causes

The causes of psoriasis on the scalp are not yet defined, but it arises when the body's defense cells, white blood cells, attack the skin of this area of ​​the body, as if it were an invading agent.

Some situations can increase the risk of developing this type of psoriasis, such as having a father or mother with this disease, being overweight, being sensitive to gluten, using cigarettes, maintaining high levels of stress, having low vitamin D and having some problem that lowers immunity, such as HIV infection.

Scalp psoriasis: what it is and main treatments