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Depo will provide quarterly


The quarterly contraceptive injection called Depo-Provera, contains medroxyprogesterone acetate as an active ingredient, and serves to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Its most common side effect is the appearance of small bleeds after the first injection, in addition to weight gain, which can be sudden and due to fluid retention, and it is recommended to follow a low calorie diet and exercise regularly.

During use the woman does not menstruate, but there may be minor bleeding throughout the month. When using Depo-Provera for an extended period, menstruation may take time to return to normal and fertility may take more than 1 year to be restored.


The price of the Depo-Provera contraceptive injection is approximately 50 reais.

What is it for

Depo-Provera is a long-acting injectable contraceptive that has an effect for at least 3 months. This medication is indicated for women who wish to avoid pregnancy, without having to use medications daily, as occurs in birth control pills. It can also be indicated to stop menstruation.

How to use

It is recommended to take the injection within 7 days after the start of menstruation, being protected immediately. However, the injection can also be applied until the 10th day of the menstrual cycle, being necessary to use a condom in the next 7 days, for greater protection.

The date of the next injection should be noted to avoid forgetting, but if this happens, the woman has up to 2 weeks to take the missed dose, without risking pregnancy, although she can take the injection up to 4 weeks from the scheduled date, having the careful to use condoms for more than 7 days.

When taken correctly, the injection starts to take effect immediately, and in case of delay in the next dose, it starts to take effect in approximately 1 week.

Main side effects

Bleeding may occur throughout the month or lead to the complete absence of menstruation. Effects such as headache, breast tenderness, fluid retention, weight gain, dizziness, weakness or fatigue, nervousness, decreased libido or difficulty in reaching orgasm, pelvic pain, low back pain, leg cramps, falling hair or lack of hair growth, depression, bloating, nausea, rashes, insomnia, vaginal discharge, hot flashes, acne, joint pain, vaginitis.

Depo-Provera does not cause an abortion but it is not recommended to take if you are pregnant.

Who should not take

Depo-Provera is contraindicated during pregnancy and passes into breast milk, so women who are breastfeeding should choose another method of contraception. It is also not recommended in case of undiagnosed genitourinary bleeding; in case of proven or suspected breast cancer; in patients with liver dysfunction or disease; in case of thrombophlebitis or previous thromboembolic disorder; for women with a history of missed abortion.

Depo will provide quarterly