Home Bulls Biovicerin



Biovicerin is a remedy for diarrhea that contains bacteria that will compete for nutrients with the microbes that cause diarrhea, leading to its death. The Biovicerin bacteria will also produce B vitamins and enzymes that favor the reconstitution of intestinal flora, necessary for the normal performance of intestinal functions.

Biovicerin is produced by the Geyer laboratory.

Indications for Biovicerin

Biovicerin is indicated for the treatment of intestinal infections caused by pathogenic bacteria. It also acts as a restorer of intestinal flora.

Biovicerin price

The price of Biovicerin varies between 2 and 24 reais, depending on the dosage of the drug.

Directions for use of Biovicerin

The way of using Biovicerin consists of ingesting 1 flacon every 4 hours and, in chronic cases, 1 to 2 flaconettes a day, according to medical advice.

Side Effects of Biovicerin

It has no side effects.

Contraindications for Biovicerin

It has no contraindications.

Useful link:

  • Remedy for Diarrhea
