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What is pyr-pam used for


Pyr-Pam is a medicine indicated for the treatment of oxyuriasis, also known as enterobiasis, a parasitic infection caused by the parasite Enterobius vermicularis .

This remedy has in its composition pyruvium pamoate, a compound with vermifuge action, which promotes the depletion of internal reserves that the parasite needs to survive, thus leading to its elimination. Learn to identify the symptoms caused by the presence of oxyurus.

Pyr-Pam can be purchased in pharmacies, upon presentation of a prescription, for a price that can vary between 18 and 23 reais.

How to take

Pyr-Pam's dosage depends on the person's weight and the pharmaceutical form in question:

1. Pyr-Pam capsules

The recommended dose is 1 pill for every 10 kg of body weight for adults and children over 12 years of age. The dose should be administered in a single dose and should not exceed 600 mg, equivalent to 6 pills, even if the body weight is greater than 60 kg.

Due to the possibility of re-contamination, the doctor may recommend a repeat dose about 2 weeks after the first treatment.

2. Pyr-Pam suspension

The recommended dose is 1mL for each kilo of body, for children and adults, not to exceed the maximum dose of 600 mg, even if the body weight is higher.

Shake the bottle well before administration and use the measuring cup included in the package, which allows a correct measurement of the volume.

Due to the possibility of re-contamination, the doctor may recommend a repeat dose about 2 weeks after the first treatment.

Possible side effects

Generally, Pyr-Pam is well tolerated, however some side effects such as hypersensitivity reactions, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea or discoloration of the stools may occur. After its use, the stool may be red, but without clinical significance.

Who should not use

Pyr-Pam is contraindicated for children under 10 kg in weight, people with allergies to pyrvinium pamoate or any of the components present in the formula.

In addition, it should also not be used in diabetics, pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, unless recommended by the doctor.

Watch the following video and see the tips and homemade options to eliminate worms:

What is pyr-pam used for