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Sweetener may not be the best way out


The use of sweeteners is not always the best choice because, although they do not put on weight, these substances keep the taste addicted to the sweet taste, which does not favor weight loss.

In addition, using sweeteners or consuming diet and light products, which use sweeteners in their composition, can give a false impression of healthy eating, which ends up increasing the consumption of products rich in calories, such as diet chocolate, which ends up causing weight gain.

How to choose the best sweetener

The best choice of sweetener is Stevia, as it is a completely natural product made from a medicinal plant and can be used by children and pregnant women.

However, despite the controversies, the other types of sweeteners are also safe for health, as studies have yet to prove that they are bad for your health, but their overuse can increase your dependence on sweets and the chance of developing diabetes.

It is also important to remember that in cases of phenylketonuria, sweeteners based on aspartame should not be consumed, and people who have high blood pressure or kidney failure should not consume sweeteners based on saccharin and cyclamate, as they are rich in sodium. See other health risks that aspartame can bring.

Safe quantity for consumption

The maximum recommended dose of sweetener to consume per day is 6 packages of a gram when the sweetener is powdered, and 9 to 10 drops for liquids.

Within this limit, the consumption of any sweetener is safe for your health, but you need to be aware that light and diet products also use sweeteners in their formulation, which in addition to the sweetener used in juices and coffees, for example, can exceed the recommended amount per day.

Although it is difficult in the beginning, after about 3 weeks the palate gets used to the less sweet taste, so see how to reduce your sugar consumption in your diet with 3 simple tips.

Where can the sweetener be used

The use of artificial sweeteners to lose weight should be kept to a minimum as they are designed, as a rule, to be used by diabetics, who cannot use another alternative to sweeten.

However, if you know how to use the sweetener correctly, it can end up making the diet much easier to follow. For this, some tips are:

  1. When preparing sweets, put the sweetener last. The more at the end of the process the better. Do not use aspartame if you are going to cook something above 120ºC, as it will lose its properties. When preparing desserts calculate the equivalent of one dessert spoon per person. The sweet flavor generated by the sweetener is more easily perceived in food after cold. Therefore, if the food is consumed while still hot, it will seem sweet. To prepare a light caramel try using fructose powder.

To know the ideal amount of sweetener that should be used see the indications on the packaging label, as the amount may vary depending on the brand and the excessive consumption of sweetener, is not good for your health.

Watch the following video and see the differences between sugar and sweetener:

Sweetener may not be the best way out