Home Bulls Gordophobia: prejudice against being overweight

Gordophobia: prejudice against being overweight


Gordophobia is characterized by a prejudice against fat people, due to a standard of beauty imposed by society, in which the ideal and perfect body is a tall, thin body, with curves and without cellulite. People with gordophobia, have a judgmental behavior towards fat people, criticizing them, ridiculing them and making them feel abnormal, even without having this awareness.

Around the 90s, obesity started to be seen as something unhealthy and, therefore, a problem to be treated by medicine and the thin body started to be recognized as a synonym of beauty and health, which started to generate a prejudice against fat people, especially women.

Phrases such as "Your face is so beautiful, you should lose a few pounds", "That outfit would be perfect if the belly was not noticeable", "Your weight can harm your health" are considered to be fat-phobic because there is an implicit prejudice that having weight more than what is considered standard, it is ugly, unhealthy and should be hidden.

There is also the prejudice that fat people eat too much or do not exercise, but sometimes eat even less than thinner people, but the excess weight they present is due to other factors such as genetic problems, hormonal imbalances, hypothyroidism, depression, anxiety disorder, diabetes or sleep problems, which may make it difficult to lose weight.

What are the consequences

Due to the demand that exists on the part of society, magazines, television, cinema, advertising, among others, people who are overweight begin to charge themselves for their weight and do everything to lose weight, doing all kinds of diets, using drugs and even surgeries, which are sometimes not necessary.

Given the great pressure from society, these people can develop serious problems such as depression, anorexia, bulimia or even binge eating. Know the symptoms of binge eating.

What is Medical Fatophobia?

Medical fatophobia is characterized by the principle that people who are overweight have health problems, without knowing the person's lifestyle or without having knowledge about medical examinations or their health history.

Gordophobia: prejudice against being overweight