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Rhinoplasty: how it is done and how is recovery


Rhinoplasty, or nose plastic surgery, is a surgical procedure that is done most of the time for aesthetic purposes, that is, to improve the profile of the nose, change the tip of the nose or decrease the width of the bone, for example, and make the face more harmonious. However, rhinoplasty can also be done to improve the person's breathing, and is usually performed after surgery for deviated septum.

After rhinoplasty it is important that the person has some care so that the healing happens properly and complications are avoided. Therefore, it is recommended that the person follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon, how to avoid efforts and use the bandage for the specified time.

When it is indicated and how it is done

Rhinoplasty can be performed both for aesthetic purposes and to improve breathing, which is why it is usually performed after correction of the deviated septum. Rhinoplasty can be performed for several purposes, such as:

  • Decrease the width of the nasal bone; Change the direction of the nose tip; Improve the nose profile; Change the nose tip; Reduce large, wide or upturned nostrils, Insert grafts for facial harmony corrections.

Before performing the rhinoplasty, the doctor recommends performing laboratory tests and may indicate the suspension of any medication that the person may be using, as it is thus possible to check if there are any contraindications and the person's safety is guaranteed.

Rhinoplasty can be done either under general or local anesthesia, mainly, and, from the moment the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor makes a cut inside the nose or in the tissue between the nostrils to lift the tissue covering the nose and thus, the nose structure can be remodeled according to the person's wishes and the doctor's plan.

After remodeling, the incisions are closed and a plaster and Micropore dressing are applied to support the nose and facilitate recovery.

How is recovery

The recovery from rhinoplasty is relatively simple and lasts an average of 10 to 15 days, making it necessary for the person to remain bandaged for the first few days so that the nose is supported and protected, facilitating healing. It is normal that during the recovery process the person feels pain, discomfort, swelling in the face or darkening of the place, however this is considered normal and usually disappears as the healing occurs.

It is important that during the recovery period the person is not exposed to the sun very often, to avoid staining the skin, sleep with your head up, do not wear sunglasses and avoid making efforts for about 15 days after surgery or until medical clearance.

The doctor may recommend the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs after surgery to relieve pain and discomfort, which should be used for 5 to 10 days or according to the doctor's recommendation. In general, rhinoplasty recovery lasts between 10 and 15 days.

Possible complications

As it is an invasive surgical procedure and is performed under general or local anesthesia, there may be some complications during or after the procedure, although it is not frequent. The main possible changes in rhinoplasty are rupture of small vessels in the nose, the presence of scars, changes in the color of the nose, numbness and asymmetry of the nose.

In addition, infections, airway changes through the nose, perforation of the nasal septum, or cardiac and pulmonary complications can occur. However, these complications do not arise in everyone and can be resolved.

To avoid complications, it is possible to reshape the nose without having to undergo plastic surgery, which can be done with makeup or using nose shapers, for example. See more about how to reshape your nose without plastic surgery.

Rhinoplasty: how it is done and how is recovery