Home Symptoms Know the symptoms of genital, labial and ocular herpes

Know the symptoms of genital, labial and ocular herpes


The main symptoms of herpes include the presence of blisters or ulcers with a reddish border and liquid, which usually appear on the genitals, thighs, mouth, lips or eyes, causing pain, burning and itching. Although it is more common for herpes to appear in these regions, it can appear in any region of the body.

However, it is possible to realize that you will have an episode of herpes, well before the blisters appear, as there are symptoms that precede the rash on the skin such as tingling, itching, discomfort or even pain in a specific region of the skin. These warning symptoms can appear several hours before the blisters appear, or even 2 to 3 days before, so it is possible to start treatment earlier and avoid contagion, if you pay attention to the appearance of these symptoms.

Genital herpes

Symptoms of genital herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, caused by the herpes virus. In addition, contagion can also occur from the mother to the baby during normal delivery, especially if, during labor, the woman has herpes sores.

The main symptoms of genital herpes, in addition to the presence of blisters or ulcers with a reddish border and liquid, are:

  • Small clusters of blisters and wounds; Itching and discomfort; Pain; Burning when urinating if the blisters are close to the urethra; Burning and pain when defecating, if the blisters are close to the anus; Tongue in the groin; Malaise and possible loss of appetite.

Wounds caused by genital herpes usually take about 10 days to heal and treatment is done with antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir or Valacyclovir in pills or ointments, which help to slow the replication of the virus in the body and heal blisters and wounds. See how to avoid transmitting genital herpes and how treatment is done.

In addition, herpes blisters on the genital region can be quite painful, and in these cases, the doctor may recommend local anesthetics to relieve pain and discomfort.

Sores of genital herpes can appear on the penis, vulva, vagina, perianal region or anus, urethra or even on the cervix and on the first manifestation, other flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, muscle pain and tiredness.

Lip herpes

Symptoms of herpes in the mouth

Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus and can be transmitted through direct contact with blisters or sores with liquid, as can happen during kissing or through the use of objects used by another person who has herpes. Learn about cold sores.

The main symptoms of herpes in the mouth, can include:

  • Sore on the lip; Sensitive blisters; Pain in the mouth; Itching and redness in one corner of the lip.

The sores caused by cold sores can last between 7 to 10 days and the treatment can be done with topical ointments or tablets, such as Acyclovir for example.

Herpes ocular

Herpes symptoms in the eyes

Ocular herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus type I, which is caught through direct contact with liquid blisters or ulcers caused by herpes or due to the contact of infected hands with the eyes.

The main symptoms of ocular herpes are generally similar to conjunctivitis and are:

  • Sensitivity to light; Itchy eye; Redness and irritation in the eye; Blurry vision; Sore cornea.

As soon as these symptoms appear, it is important to consult the ophthalmologist so that they can be treated as quickly as possible, in order to avoid more serious complications or even blindness. The treatment of ocular herpes is usually done with antiviral remedies such as Acyclovir in tablets or ointments to apply to the eye, and antibiotic eye drops can also be prescribed to prevent the onset of secondary infections caused by bacteria. Learn more about treating herpes ocularis.

Herpes is a disease that has no cure, whether genital, labial or ocular, as it is not possible to eliminate the virus from the body and it can even remain inactive in the body for several months or even years, causing no symptoms. However, when this disease manifests, the symptoms usually appear in the form of episodes, which depending on the person's body, can appear 1 to 2 times a year.

Know the symptoms of genital, labial and ocular herpes