Home Bulls How to identify and treat diabetic mastopathy

How to identify and treat diabetic mastopathy


The treatment of diabetic mastopathy is done mainly through adequate glycemic control. In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics can also be used to decrease pain and inflammation and fight infections. In some cases, it may also be necessary to have surgery to remove the tumors.

The treatment time depends mainly on the glycemic control, because the better controlled, the faster the patient's recovery. In addition, strict blood sugar control must continue throughout life, to prevent the problem from reappearing.

To differentiate from breast cancer, see 12 symptoms of breast cancer.

What is diabetic mastopathy

Diabetic mastopathy is a rare and severe form of mastitis, an inflammation of the breast that causes redness, pain and swelling. This disease affects diabetic people who use insulin and are unable to control diabetes well.

Diabetic mastitis can affect only one or both breasts, and is more common in women with type 1 diabetes, especially in the pre-menopausal period, but in more rare cases it can occur in diabetic men.


Symptoms of diabetic mastitis are inflammation of the breast, with the appearance of one or more hardened tumors, which are painless in the initial stage of the disease. In general, the breast is red, swollen and painful, and blisters and pus may also appear.

How to know if it is diabetic mastopathy

Due to the presence of tumors, diabetic mastopathy can be confused with breast cancer, requiring a biopsy of the breast to make the proper diagnosis of the disease and eliminate the possibility of cancer.

The most recommended method is a biopsy performed with a thick needle, which sucks up part of the inflamed breast tissue to be evaluated in the laboratory.

How to identify and treat diabetic mastopathy