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How to identify and treat nervous gastritis


Nervous gastritis, also known as functional dyspepsia, is a stomach disease that, although it does not cause inflammation in the stomach like classic gastritis, it also causes symptoms such as heartburn, burning and a full stomach sensation, and arise due to emotional issues, such as stress , anxiety and nervousness.

This type of gastritis is curable, and can be treated with changes in diet and the use of medications with an antacid and calming effect on the mucosa, which prevent heartburn and increased nervousness, however, it must be remembered that emotional control is essential part of the treatment.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of nervous gastritis are pain or discomfort in the stomach, which, although it may appear at any time, intensifies during periods of stress or anxiety. Some of these symptoms can also be present in other types of gastritis and confuse the diagnosis of the disease. Check the symptoms you have below:

  1. 1. Constant and prick-shaped stomach pain Yes No
  2. 2. Feeling sick or having a full stomach Yes No
  3. 3. Swollen and sore belly Yes No
  4. 4. Slow digestion and frequent belching Yes No
  5. 5. Headache and general malaise Yes No
  6. 6. Loss of appetite, vomiting or retching Yes No

Learn the differences in types of gastritis and its treatment.

How the treatment is done

In the treatment of nervous gastritis it is advisable to use antacid remedies such as Pepsamar or that decrease the production of stomach acid, such as Omeprazole or Pantoprazole, for example, which should be recommended by the doctor.

However, the continued use of these drugs is not recommended, so the ideal is to treat the emotional issues that cause the symptoms, with psychotherapy, relaxation techniques, such as meditation, in addition to a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Check the details on steps to combat stress.

A great home remedy for gastritis is chamomile tea, which should be taken 2 to 3 times a day to activate its calming effect. Other natural calming options are valerian, lavender and passion fruit teas.

Food for nervous gastritis

Foods indicated to treat nervous gastritis are those that are easy to digest and have a calming effect, such as lean cooked or grilled meats, fish, cooked vegetables and shelled fruits. Immediately after a crisis of pain and malaise, one should drink plenty of water and resume eating gradually, using natural spices and avoiding the intake of milk.

Foods that should be avoided are those high in fat and that irritate the stomach, such as red meat, sausage, bacon, sausage, fried foods, chocolate, coffee and pepper. In addition, to prevent new gastritis attacks, one should stop smoking and avoid drinking alcohol, artificial teas, soft drinks and sparkling water.

Foods to Avoid in Gastritis

Drinks that should be avoided in gastritis

Other important precautions are not to lie down immediately after meals, avoid drinking liquids during meals, eat slowly and eat in quiet places.

Can nervous gastritis turn into cancer?

Nervous gastritis cannot become cancer because in this type of gastritis there is no inflammation of the stomach. Nervous gastritis is also called functional dyspepsia, as the test used to diagnose gastritis, called digestive endoscopy, does not show the presence of erosions in the stomach and, therefore, this disease is not linked to greater chances of developing cancer. Understand what are the causes and symptoms of gastric ulcer.

How to identify and treat nervous gastritis