Home Bulls Know the health risks of bodybuilding

Know the health risks of bodybuilding


The practice of bodybuilding has many health risks that include laceration of muscles, tendons and ligaments due to overtraining, in addition to hypertension, hormonal dysregulation and kidney or liver cancer due to the use of hormones such as Winstrol and GH, and anabolic steroids.

Bodybuilding is characterized by a lifestyle where the person trains hard daily, striving for more than 3 hours a day, in search of burning fat to the minimum possible and the greatest possible muscle definition, making his physical shape the best. of a very muscular person who does not appear to have any fat on his body. In addition, bodybuilding fans often participate in championships to demonstrate their body through poses that best show off their hard-sculpted muscles.

This practice can be followed by men and women and requires a lot of dedication because in addition to intense weight training, you need to take supplements to gain more muscle mass like BCAA and Glutamine, and many take anabolic steroids, although this is not a good option for health and they need to follow a diet rich in proteins and low in fats, daily for long months, which requires dedication and dedication.

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Main health risks of bodybuilding

Excessive care with perfect physical shape is the main goal of life for bodybuilders and to achieve the body of their dreams, these fans can make less healthy options, damaging their health, developing anemia and nutritional deficiencies.

Days before the competition the bodybuilder can stop taking salt, take diuretics and do not drink water, just isotonic drinks to 'dry' and decrease the water concentration in the interstitial tissue, further enhancing the muscles.

The main health risks of bodybuilding include:

Due to over-training Due to anabolics and diuretics Due to psychological stress Due to power
Laceration of muscles and tendons Arterial hypertension, tachycardia and arrhythmia Increased risk of anorexia Anemia and Vitamin Deficiency
Knee ligament rupture

Renal complications

Dissatisfaction with one's image Increased risk of osteoporosis
Patellar chondromalacia Liver cancer Hoarseness and appearance of hair on the face of women Severe dehydration
Bursitis, tendonitis,


Medicated hepatitis Vigorexia and obsessive behavior Absence of menstruation

The body fat rate of a healthy adult who has no localized fat fold is 18%, however, bodybuilders manage to reach only 3 or 5%, which is very dangerous for health. As women naturally have less muscle than men, they tend to take more anabolic steroids, hormones and diuretics to promote muscle growth, which makes women even more prone to the risks of this lifestyle.

Therefore, the opposite of what is popularly thought to be a bodybuilding competition athlete or any other sport is not a healthy option because the intensity of training, supplementation and food, despite being essential to achieve the goal of being a champion, may not be the best choices for long-term health.

Know the health risks of bodybuilding